[Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 118, Issue 38
Stuart Kauffman
stukauffman at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 14:09:35 CET 2025
Hello to All,
in support of Lou, I attach two references that say the becoming of the world, including, presumably, human consciousness, is beyond any mathematical formulation based on set theory.
Kind wishes,
Kauffman, S. and Roli, A. (2021) The World Is Not A Theorem” Entropy vol 23, issue 11
Kauffman, S. and Roli, A. (2022), What is Consciousness? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,_ _2022
> On Jan 15, 2025, at 3:38 AM, Marcus Abundis <55mrcs at gmail.com> wrote:
> < I am sympathetic with mathematical and formal modeling of “cognitive processes” but feel that it should be clear that formal models will not capture the whole phenomenon. >
> For *myself*, while I accept an essential truth lies in this statement . . . I am ALSO inclined to think 'surrendering' prematurely is a lack of scientific imagination ('heavy lifting') – where 'science' is SUPPOSED to be in the business of continually reinventing itself. That said, I also accept that many do not see science as an actual/active creative process. For me, it is different. I think the core issue here is “cognitive processes = psychology”, a notoriously . . . .uhhh, I am not sure of the best word to use here, so I will just say 'difficult topic'.
> And thanks for the lovely taoist imagery . . . taoism being the last word in Natural Psychology.
> Marcus
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