[Fis] "express matter and energy in terms of information"--Cheese

Pedro C. Marijuán pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 18:52:22 CET 2024

Dear All,

This was great from Krassimir:
"Please give at least one example, for instance, to express the cheese 
in terms of information."

I was reminded of a famous essay I read in the 80s (or 90s) about 
"what's in a cent?" (or maybe a "penny"?). It was a one or two pages 
essay on the enormous web of occurrences related to a "simple" object 
such as a penny. I could not locate it any more --does anyone know about it?

Well, the cheese. The sheer diversity of cheeses. The different flavor, 
fragance, taste, texture, appearance... as estimated by our senses, are 
some of these related to "terms of information"?
And let's go to the milk fermentation by yeasts, bacteria, fungi... See 
What are the molecular transporters, enzymes, signaling systems 
involved? What are the main "molecular recognition" events? Again: are 
some of these related to "terms of information"?
And what about the lives of those involved in the "making of"? And of 
the patient "donor" animals? And the engineering and the whole 
organization of the production process?
And let's go to the marketing, web sales, use of influencers, social 
networks, etc. And fundamentally, when we go to a market all the other 
stories will disappear and will get subsumed into a "price" that signals 
the value of the product--into a collective information processing that 
recalibrates itself at high speed. That famous Adam Smith "invisible hand".

Therefore, the initial question taken literally becomes rather absurd, 
fundamentalist--it is the same as if we ask for the "physics" of the 
cheese or for its "chemistry". But curiously, in this case the 
information-related aspects get an upper hand. The fact is that socially 
we have to handle a big, very big system of the sciences, and we are 
forced to combine, recombine their specialized disciplinary views etc. 
etc. It is in this bigger multidisciplinary context where the 
"physicalist" dominance in intelligence & information studies was 
discussed by Yixin-Zhong a few months ago... quite opportune.


El 12/02/2024 a las 22:38, Krassimir Markov escribió:
> Dear Carlos,
> You wrote "... express matter and energy in terms of information".
> Simple question:
> How can it be done?
> Please give at least one example, for instance, to express the cheese 
> in terms of information.
> With respect,
> Krassimir
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