钟义信 zyx at bupt.edu.cn
Tue Nov 28 02:14:02 CET 2023

Dear Pedro and dear All,

Thank you for having organized the FIS discussion on the topic of "paradigm change in AI" and thank many of FIS colleagues for having made various contributions to the discussion, which is obviously beneficial to us.

Let me say, if allowed, a few words before closing the discussion. The purpose of the discussion is to remind us that since the target of AI research (the information ecological process produced by subject-object interaction) has been greatly different from that of physical science (objective matter only), the paradigm for AI research should also greatly be different from the paradigm for physical science research.

The major differences between th paradigm for AI and that for physical science include (but not limited to) the methodology for the two disciplines. The methodology for physical science research consists of the principles of "formalism" and "divide and conquer" and yet the methodology for AI research consists of the principles of "non formalism" and "non divide and conquer". The differences in methodology between AI and Physical science are so great!

The "non divide and conquer" means "no dismembering" and the "non formalism" means "no castrating". On the whole, the methodology with the principles of "no dismembering" and "no castrating" is termed "the methodology of information ecology".

Such great changes in methodology (and scientific world-view)  may be very hard to accept. But it may gradually be understandable and acceptable. 

To  solve the fatal problems related to GPT series needs the "paradigm change in AI".  However, this maybe a time consuming process. 

I have learned a lot from you through the FIS discussion and would like to continue to learn from FIS friends and colleagues in the future. Thank you again !

My best wishes,

Yixin Zhong

Prof at AI School, BUPT
Beijing 100876, China

----------------- Original ------------------

From:  "Pedro C. Marijuán"<pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com>;
Date:  Mon, Nov 27, 2023 09:30 PM
To:  "fis"<fis at listas.unizar.es>; 



Dear All,
It may be time to say goodbye to the ongoing session. We have had       a productive time and have left a trail of valuable exchanges.
Personally, I could not agree more on the necessity to overcome       the dominant paradigm based on physicalism and the importance of       the social aspects of AI, both in its impact and within its own       inner structure. 
As usual, the chairs of the discussion are invited to send their       own Concluding Comments.
All the best,
       FIS Coordination
       FIS Archives last 10 years:
       List of discussion sessions last 25 years:
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