[Fis] Note to Jaime

Jaime Cardenas-Garcia jfcardenasgarcia at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 21:30:58 CEST 2020

Dear Francesco,

This is the translation of your message using the internet, since my best
Italian is not good enough to translate your message,

Dear all,

careful to think that the economy has no fundamental or primitive
principles. The Logic actually of Lupasco-Brenner is developed in the New
Economic Science, of which they are among the few proponents. In any case,
you should not make the mistake of confusing economic activity (so-called,
sometimes improperly) with economic theory.

Good dialogue, using a few words, because otherwise it is impossible and
you run a greater risk of saying questionable things.

A greeting wish.


I agree that economic activity is not economic theory. I might not agree
that there are no fundamental or primitive principles, since we all have to
eat. And for that, labour is a prerequisite. But again, I need to
familiarize myself more with the “Logic of Lupasco-Brenner” to comment
beyond that.

Kind regards,


On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 11:52 AM Francesco Rizzo <13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com>

> Cari tutti,
> attenti a pensare che l'economia non abbia principi fondamentali o
> primitivi. La Logica in realtà di Lupasco-Brenner è sviluppata
> nella Nuova scienza economica, di cui sono tra i pochi propositori. In
> ogni caso, non bisogna commettere l'errore di confondere
> l'attività (cosiddetta, talvolta impropriamente) economica, con la teoria
> economica.
> Buon dialogo, usando poche parole, perchè altrimenti è impossibile e si
> corre un maggiore rischio di dire cose discutibili.
> Un saluto augurale.
> Francesco.
> Il giorno gio 9 lug 2020 alle ore 15:57 Jaime Cardenas-Garcia <
> jfcardenasgarcia at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> Dear Marcus,
>> As to your third point, I assume you are talking about César A. Hidalgo.
>> If you recall my post, it was in response to a post by Pedro. So that is
>> the context. As to how thermodynamics impacts César’s work, that is
>> something he is in a better position to answer than I. What I attempted to
>> show was his expertise in an all-encompassing view of economic,
>> technological innovation and other interconnections in any
>> society. Sometimes what is left unsaid also carries information.
>> My own interest in thermodynamics, apart from that of a mechanical
>> engineer, is negligible in the science of information. There is a story
>> that might be apocryphal about the time Claude Shannon was working on his
>> theory of communication where he did not know how to categorize his
>> logarithmic equation. It appears Von Neumann was nearby and suggested that
>> he call it entropy, since it sounded exotic and no one really knew what
>> entropy was all about. The rest is history. I have never really engaged
>> with entropy since I have not seen that it has a bearing on my approach to
>> information. Therefore, I have not given much thought to its role in the
>> science of information. Maybe at some point in time, if I decide that it
>> adds much to my musings, I will engage with its significance. I should note
>> that Bateson kind of hit a stone wall when he started using negative
>> entropy as a way to explain information.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jaime
>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 8:32 AM Marcus Abundis <55mrcs at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am unsure how best to respond to your post.
>>> I easily understand a wish to have one's name spelled correctly, as I
>>> wish the same for myself (Karl J. can testify), but a simple corrective
>>> note is all that was needed.
>>> As to the substance of your response, you show yourself to prefer an ad
>>> hominem line of logic, which I understand is the bane of
>>> scientific discourse. You do this in 1) imagining a personal insult where
>>> none was intended (innocently interposed I and M), 2) by inciting an
>>> insulting context [mental laziness, really?!], and 3) citing a long list of
>>> presumed qualifications for the author in question. You do this rather than
>>> exploring (or supporting) YOURSELF how thermodynamic entropy might surpass
>>> four fundamental forces in physics (always interested in new ideas). We
>>> plainly have different ideas of what mental laziness looks like . . .
>>> Lastyl, I have already touched on this issue with T. Deacon (privately)
>>> and he has since moved on to a more `open systems' world view, rather than
>>> the `closed' view Botlzmann's thermodynamic laws stipulate. That said, I
>>> also think `the story is unfinished', so I still keep a watchful eye on
>>> this matter.
>>> Marcus
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>> --
>> Jaime F. Cárdenas-García, PhD, PE
>> JFCardenasGarcia at gmail.com
>> (240) 498-7556 (cell)
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Jaime F. Cárdenas-García, PhD, PE
JFCardenasGarcia at gmail.com
(240) 498-7556 (cell)
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