[Fis] Emotional Sentience - Closing Questions & Comments

Francesco Rizzo 13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 09:57:36 CEST 2024

Dear Kate,
- existence and knowledge are based on the process of trans-in-form-action:
forma(tive) action which transforms over time;
 - this applies to everyone, lay people and otherwise;
- Given that there a "field of form" for every thing, living being and
person, the value of the form or the form of the value is synchronically
- It is not possible to determine the "most probable value of" (Gaussian
distribution), but the most or less probable (see "The judgment of value",
- Following Hegel's "Science of logic" (quantity, quality, measurement) it
is possible to evaluate qualitative quantities or quantitative qualities in
emotional-rational terms.
-Fuzzy logic, semiotic-hermeneutical approach, Taoism (biological Yin and
Yang), etc., are decisive, but absolutely indeterministic.
-My theory of value is hexagonal (a good is worth because it is beautiful,
good, useful, true, right and legal).
- In short, it is only possible to calculate normal values from a
subjective point of view.
 Thank you very much.

Cara Kate,
- l'esistenza e la conoscenza sono basate sul processo di
azione forma(tiva) che si trasforma nel tempo;
- questo vale per tutti, laici e non;
- Posto che v'ha un "campo di forma" per ogni cosa, essere vivente e
è sincronicamente importante il valore della forma o la forma del valore.
- Non è possibile determinare il  "più probabile valore di" (distribuzione
ma i valori più o meno probabili (cfr. "Il giudizio di valore", 1972).
-Seguendo la "Scienza della logica" di Hegel (quantità, qualità, misura) è
valutare quantità qualitative o qualità quantitative in termini
 -Logica Fuzzy, Approccio semiotico-ermeneutico, Taoismo (Yin e Yang
biologici), etc.,
sono decisivi, ma assolutamente indeterministici.
-La mia teoria del valore è esagonale (un bene vale perchè è bello, buono,
utile, vero,
giusto e legale).
- In estrema sintesi è possibile solo calcolare valori normali dal punto di
vista soggettivo.
Grazie di cuore.

Il giorno sab 1 giu 2024 alle ore 21:14 Katherine Peil Kauffman <
ktpeil en outlook.com> ha scritto:

> Dear Pedro et al,
> Thank you all once again for the splendid discussion. (Those both here and
> the many “back-stage”.)
> By way of final closure I’d like to pose two general questions to each of
> you:
> 1) What would you recommend as your best general *definition of
> information* for the lay public?
> 2) What can information science tell us about “*evaluative”* information?
> Pedro, I hope life is treating you and yours with the very best of all
> possible outcomes. While your absence has definitely altered the dynamics
> of this discussion, it turns out that there are many “Scarecrows" that I
> will miss most upon returning to my world.
> Some of us - perhaps renegade - psychologists are calling this world the
> “Psychosphere”, a term that demands a place for subjectivity in our
> foundational theories. We seek deeper more complete frameworks and
> realistic explanations for all the nuances of “identity” as well as all
> Norman Bates connotations of human development and behavior. We value
> humility.  We don’t claim to know the answers.  But we will no longer check
> our humanity at the door or deny our destructive impact on the biosphere or
> upon one another. We trust the biological wisdom of our embodiment, and
> honor the responsibility inherent in “free” will. We aim to draw much more
> deeply upon direct experience, to let people try the science on for size,
> and decide for themselves. An edited collection is in the works, and I’m
> offering the new emotion science in one (maybe two) chapters entitled *The
> Tao of Life, Love, and Larceny. *(As you might guess, the Love and
> Larceny bits are to emphasize how the positive and negative emotions relate
> to the best and worst of human nature.) There is so much to say - whatever
> logic might apply.
> Please know that each of you are always welcome in my world. Welcome to
> contribute, to argue, to question, and/or to share unique personal
> experiences that demand better science. Indeed, we need you.
> Heartfully yours,
> Katherine Peil Kauffman
> (AKA Kung Fu Kate)
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