[Fis] Emotional Sentience - Closing Questions & Comments

Katherine Peil Kauffman ktpeil at outlook.com
Sat Jun 1 21:13:26 CEST 2024

Dear Pedro et al,

Thank you all once again for the splendid discussion. (Those both here and the many “back-stage”.)
By way of final closure I’d like to pose two general questions to each of you:

1) What would you recommend as your best general definition of information for the lay public?
2) What can information science tell us about “evaluative” information?

Pedro, I hope life is treating you and yours with the very best of all possible outcomes. While your absence has definitely altered the dynamics of this discussion, it turns out that there are many “Scarecrows" that I will miss most upon returning to my world. 

Some of us - perhaps renegade - psychologists are calling this world the “Psychosphere”, a term that demands a place for subjectivity in our foundational theories. We seek deeper more complete frameworks and realistic explanations for all the nuances of “identity” as well as all Norman Bates connotations of human development and behavior. We value humility.  We don’t claim to know the answers.  But we will no longer check our humanity at the door or deny our destructive impact on the biosphere or upon one another. We trust the biological wisdom of our embodiment, and honor the responsibility inherent in “free” will. We aim to draw much more deeply upon direct experience, to let people try the science on for size, and decide for themselves. An edited collection is in the works, and I’m offering the new emotion science in one (maybe two) chapters entitled The Tao of Life, Love, and Larceny. (As you might guess, the Love and Larceny bits are to emphasize how the positive and negative emotions relate to the best and worst of human nature.) There is so much to say - whatever logic might apply.

Please know that each of you are always welcome in my world. Welcome to contribute, to argue, to question, and/or to share unique personal experiences that demand better science. Indeed, we need you.

Heartfully yours,

Katherine Peil Kauffman 
(AKA Kung Fu Kate)

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