[Fis] "express matter and energy in terms of information"
Pedro C. Marijuán
pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 20:24:49 CET 2024
Dear List,
Thanks, Carlos, for all your well-crafted responses. Nevertheless,
perhaps some of your remarks on information look to me rather confusing,
sort of omni-comprehensive, but at the same time strictly glued to
language. /"And then we can explore “laws of information” that apply to
everything we can express (because if you can express it, by definition
it is information)"./ Thus, living beings non-endowed with language,
only relate to information if there is a human observer describing them?
And the "invisible hand" of markets? I don't know, probably that's not
what you were implying.
> The world (ontology) cannot be fully described (epistemology) anyhow.
> Our descriptions are always finite, the world is always infinite (you
> can always describe more aspects of it). The question is which limited
> description will be more useful for a given purpose. And the topic of
> this month is precisely trying to come up with a description useful
> for describing living systems. And perhaps this will be useful also
> for intelligence and complex systems in general.
Our scientific descriptions of the many worlds around are sort of a
nightmare (around 6,000 sci. fields--in general they have been doubling
with every passing generation after the industrial revolution) The
first part of your assertion looks to me quite cogent, but the second
part could be written the other way around: what we see is plenty of
approaches from computer sci, AI, complex systems, etc. that are
deployed towards the biological, far more than from the other direction.
As quite often is reminded in this list, physicalism and computerism
have the upper hand--no problem, we are used to it. The pity is that
that way of thinking is aped in many other fields where it really
opaques comprehension...
> Btw, physics and logics are just other sets of descriptions, but some
> confuse them with reality.
I am reminded the "dream" that Eric told days ago--nice piece. But
thinking about it, I was lead to distinguish, connecting with its
message, the /logics/ from the /rationality/, the /w//ay of thinking/,
and the /way of life/. Think please for a while in each one
independently and in the whole relationships between them... It is
interesting that for materialists the latter determined the
superstructural mental, while for idealists it was the opposite. The
"rational" has been strongly contested in recent decades (eg, Kahneman
and Tversky S1 and S2) particularly in economics. So, in spite of its
multiplicities and controversies, logics still is an acceptable
refuge--or is it? And philosophy(ies)? My own bet is somewhere else.
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