[Fis] "express matter and energy in terms of information"

Carlos Gershenson cgershen at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 23:15:35 CET 2024

Dear Krassimir,

Apologies for my slow reply, I was at a conference.

> Dear Carlos,
> You wrote "... express matter and energy in terms of information".
> Simple question:
> How can it be done?
> Please give at least one example, for instance, to express the cheese in terms of information.

The fact that you wrote “cheese” can be seen already as information. You can add more details about its material composition, as many as you want, up to the atomic levels. If you can name them, they are information.

This is just an epistemological stance, but I would say that in some cases it can be useful. Details in 
Gershenson, C. (2012). The world as evolving information. In A. Minai, D. Braha, & Y. Bar-Yam (Eds.), Unifying themes in complex systems (pp. 100–115, Vol. 7). Springer. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://arxiv.org/abs/0704.0304__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!WsheYgb1ZsEe8geFlez9bzbNAPiC9ud_ILpyUo8un1wQTbUql-wvDMmcn_sdQAvoiaVRsPkfkD8RIKxbxUQ$   

Best wishes,

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