[Fis] Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science.Information and Computation

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 13:25:52 CET 2024

Dear Xueshan,
Thanks for the answer!

Dear Thomas,
Thanks for the answer!
I expected a different answer, but I read your articles and found answers
to my questions.

Dear Karl,
Thank you very much for your letter. Obviously, our long association has
allowed you to decipher my intentions.
It is a start-up project aimed at gathering in one publication the
currently active definitions of the term "information".
By an active definition I mean one that at least one of our colleagues
currently adheres to.
Your definition is such, and with your consent I will include it in the
review without censorship, as I will do with all the definitions that come
to me.

Dear Pedro,
I hope you will allow such an initiative in FIS.
It is good to post the definitions in the FIS-list, because this is how it
is recorded and copyright is preserved.
In order not to overload the FIS-list with posts, each author should only
briefly state his idea for the protocol in one letter, and separately
prepare a full statement with a bibliography to send to me by email at
markov.krk at gmail.com.

Dear Nikita Efimovich!
Please answer the question: What is your definition of “information” ?

With respect,

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