[Fis] Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science.Information and Computation

Pedro C. Marijuán pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 18:29:11 CET 2024

Dear Krassimir,

With all respect to your initiative I do not find it suitable for FIS 
list. Hundreds of definitions of information have been coined (ten or 
twenty years ago I remind the counting was something like 500 ones). So, 
another compilation becomes more of the same, insisting on a sterile 
direction in my opinion. If recording or copyright matter, sure you can 
have other solutions than the FIS list --ITHEA journals or other webs.


El 09/12/2024 a las 13:25, Krassimir Markov escribió:
> Dear Xueshan,
> Thanks for the answer!
> Dear Thomas,
> Thanks for the answer!
> I expected a different answer, but I read your articles and found 
> answers to my questions.
> Dear Karl,
> Thank you very much for your letter. Obviously, our long association 
> has allowed you to decipher my intentions.
> It is a start-up project aimed at gathering in one publication the 
> currently active definitions of the term "information".
> By an active definition I mean one that at least one of our colleagues 
> currently adheres to.
> Your definition is such, and with your consent I will include it in 
> the review without censorship, as I will do with all the definitions 
> that come to me.
> Dear Pedro,
> I hope you will allow such an initiative in FIS.
> It is good to post the definitions in the FIS-list, because this is 
> how it is recorded and copyright is preserved.
> In order not to overload the FIS-list with posts, each author should 
> only briefly state his idea for the protocol in one letter, and 
> separately prepare a full statement with a bibliography to send to me 
> by email at markov.krk at gmail.com.
> Dear Nikita Efimovich!
> Please answer the question: What is your definition of “information” ?
> With respect,
> Krassimir
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