[Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 117, Issue 14
Krassimir Markov
itheaiss at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 00:57:27 CET 2024
Dear Prof. Dr. Thomas Görnitz,
Please answer three simple questions:
1. What is your definition of “information” ?
2. What makes information truly the fundamental entity ?
3. How can AQIs develop both material objects and their properties ? Please
give an example!
With respect,
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science
> (Prof. Dr. Thomas =?utf-8?b?R8O2cm5pdHo=?=)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Prof. Dr. Thomas Görnitz" <goernitz at em.uni-frankfurt.de>
> To: fis at listas.unizar.es
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2024 21:55:03 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Fis] Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science
> Dear all,
> I would like to add a few comments about Cloud 5.
> If information is indeed the fundamental entity, an opinion I share, then
> it is necessary to tie it to the natural sciences and especially to physics
> as their foundation. That is why I have been developing the consequences of
> a theory of abstract quantum information, AQIs, as a new basis for physics
> for a long time.
> The basis of physics is provided by quantum theory. Its essential aspects
> are:
> 1. Quantum theory is the physics of the precise. Only when it really has
> to be or becomes very precise does quantum theory come into play.
> 2. Quantum theory is so precise that it can grasp that mere possibilities
> can produce real actions.
> This concerns such possibilities that cannot be imagined as unknown facts,
> as in classical probability theory. In our everyday behavior, it is natural
> for us to also be influenced by pure possibilities, that is, by
> possibilities that have not yet become unknown facts.
> 3. Possibilities combine multiplicatively. This corresponds to the fact
> that in quantum theory, the state space of a complex system is constructed
> by the tensor product of the state spaces of those parts that combine to
> form the complex system.
> The explanatory principle of science is to construct complex systems from
> simple systems. Due to the tensor product, in quantum theory the system as
> a whole has many more new and different properties than the sum of the
> parts from which it was constructed.
> This mathematical explanation of the New and Different no longer makes it
> necessary to use the concept of emergence for the transition to something
> new.
> A quantum particle has a countably infinite-dimensional state space and a
> quantum field has an uncountably infinite-dimensional state space. This
> obviously has nothing to do with simplicity.
> The simplest possible quantum structure has a two-dimensional state space.
> Something simpler is impossible.
> So far, a two-dimensional state space is usually assigned to a property of
> a quantum particle, e.g. its spin or polarization.
> Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker was the first to point out the possibility
> of constructing quantum particles from – as we would formulate it today –
> quantum bits with his theory of Ur-alternatives, which he developed in the
> 1960s, based primarily on philosophical considerations.
> In 1972, Weizsäcker put forward the thesis that a proton is 10^40 Ure,
> i.e. quantum bits.
> Weizsäcker used the term information in the way it is generally used, as
> something that has a meaning. He rejected an absolute concept of
> information.
> However, this overlooks the fact that in cosmic evolution, meaning can
> exist for the first time for the first living beings. Before the existence
> of life, there are forces, but for planets or stars, nothing has meaning.
> Meaning always has a large subjective component, but physics aims at the
> objective.
> In 1980, Weizsäcker had also invited John A. Wheeler to the 4th conference
> on the Ur-Theory and its consequences. Wheeler spoke there about “The
> Elementary Quantum Act as Higgledy-Piggledy Building Mechanism.” In 1990,
> Wheeler then gave a lecture with the title “It from Bit”, which is still
> very advertising-effective today.
> A crucial step for the later successes was to become even more abstract
> than Weizsäcker.
> The simplest structure must also be the one with the lowest energy.
> According to Max Planck's formula E = hc / λ, it must therefore have the
> maximum expansion. The simplest, an AQI, is therefore not a small particle
> or anything spatially tiny, but a cosmically extended structure. Only 10^41
> of them can form something as localized as a proton.
> Since “information” in normal language use is always understood as laden
> with meaning, it has proven useful to introduce a new term for this form of
> abstract and absolute quantum bits, for the AQIs: “protyposis”, “that which
> is pre-embossed”.
> Since one can certainly not imagine anything under this term, one cannot
> develop any misconceptions with it.
> Matter itself and also the properties and forms of matter are special
> formations of AQIs. They can be transmitted between sender and receiver by
> photons, which are also structures made of AQIs.
> Properties can become significant information for living beings by causing
> actions.
> This is certainly understandable.
> A lot of research work has been done since Weizsäcker's beginnings. It was
> shown how the particles of relativistic quantum mechanics can be
> constructed from quantum bits in Minkowski space without and with rest
> mass. [1] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn1>, [2]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn2>
> · It was explained why the gauge interactions of the electromagnetic, weak
> and strong interactions have the precise groups U(1), SU(2) and SU(3). [3]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn3>, [4]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn4>
> · A cosmological model was also developed. [5]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn5>, [6]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn6> For this, it was
> shown that with the abstract and still meaning-free quantum bits, AQIs, the
> phenomena for which inflation, dark energy and dark matter were invented
> either do not exist or can be explained. [7]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn7>
> The many particles that have been invented for these three postulates have
> so far eluded all observation and experiment.
> Such a new scientific understanding of matter and also of quantum
> information has made it possible to explain consciousness in a scientific
> way.
> The brain is the tool necessary for the generation of consciousness.
> Consciousness is a structure of AQIs that can appear as the entangled
> properties of entangled photons localized in a living brain. Consciousness
> acquires its meanings in the course of biological evolution and individual
> development.
> Now, with the AQIs, it has also become understandable that consciousness
> can produce real actions on the brain and, through it, on the rest of the
> body. [8] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn8>, [9]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn9>, [10]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn10>
> An overview of this theory as it stood in 1985 is available in German and
> in the translation of Weizsäcker's work “Aufbau der Physik”. [11]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn11> A more up-to-date
> summary is available in English in a Springer Essentials. [12]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn12>
> A detailed description of the mathematical structure and the philosophy of
> quantum theory and its implications for our understanding of life and
> consciousness exists in German. [13]
> <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__edn13> An English
> translation is in preparation.
> In summary, I can state once again:
> The simplest quantum structure for mathematical reasons, an AQI, has a
> two-dimensional state space. Because of this mathematical structure, it is
> often referred to as a quantum bit, although it is not yet information in
> the sense of meaning.
> But the AQIs develop both material objects as well as their properties.
> Properties of objects and structures can become meaningful information for
> living beings. Structures of meaningful information are ultimately also the
> thoughts in our consciousness.
> This touches on *Cloud 1 and Cloud 2*. Properties of DNA form the
> behavioral recipes for all life forms – *Cloud 3*.
> ------------------------------
> [1] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref1> Görnitz T,
> Graudenz D, Weizsäcker C F v (1992) Quantum Field Theory of Binary
> Alternatives, Intern. J. Theoret. Phys. 31, 1929–1959
> [2] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref2> Görnitz T,
> Schomäcker U (2012) Quantum Particles From Quantum Information, Journal of
> Physics: Conference Series 380, 012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/380/1/012025
> [3] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref3> Görnitz T
> (2014) Simplest quantum structures and the foundation of interaction, Rev.
> in Theoretical Science, 2, 289-300
> [4] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref4> Görnitz T,
> Schomäcker U (2016) The structures of interactions – How to explain the
> gauge groups U(1), SU(2) and SU(3), Found. Sci.,
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-016-9507-6__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RgPie5TlQ9Y2gVP5BrAmp7EDbHt3ySGtiwBdgnzfFxbEXXpB3OHVrqzgvNHJKRxdNkPa7RZ3Rei8ksQGNM4$
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-016-9507-6__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VbaA9voYOzhnze2gnBTM-N-nc1ffgu3GcC-u5wwVf6CLk9qKOp8zWd7fC-h-YMwO3fyTAnF5LL42TD7q4904dq2wS2GNGw$>
> [5] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref5> Görnitz T
> (1988) Abstract Quantum Theory and Space-Time-Structure, Part I, Ur-Theory,
> Space-Time-Continuum and Bekenstein-Hawking-Entropy, Intern. Journ.
> Theoret. Phys. 27, 527–542.
> [6] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref6> Görnitz T
> (1988) On Connections between Abstract Quantum Theory and
> Space-Time-Structure, Part II, A Model of cosmological evolution, Intern.
> Journ. Theoret. Phys. 27, 659–666.
> [7] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref7> Görnitz T,
> Schomäcker U (2021) Quantumbit Cosmology explains Effects of Rotation
> Curves of Galaxies, Foundations of Science,
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-021-09808-y__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RgPie5TlQ9Y2gVP5BrAmp7EDbHt3ySGtiwBdgnzfFxbEXXpB3OHVrqzgvNHJKRxdNkPa7RZ3Rei8AL5EN2g$
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-021-09808-y__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VbaA9voYOzhnze2gnBTM-N-nc1ffgu3GcC-u5wwVf6CLk9qKOp8zWd7fC-h-YMwO3fyTAnF5LL42TD7q4904dq1vTndCbg$>
> [8] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref8> Görnitz T
> (1999) Quanta sind anders/Die verborgene Einheit der Welt, Heidelberg,
> Spektrum
> [9] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref9> Görnitz T,
> Görnitz B (2002, 2006, 2013) Der kreative Kosmos/Geist und Materie aus
> Quanteninformation, Heidelberg, Spektrum
> [10] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref10> Görnitz T,
> Görnitz B (2016) From Quantum Physics to Consciousness/Cosmos, Mind and
> Matter, Heidelberg, Springer
> [11] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref11> Weizsäcker
> C F v (1985) Aufbau der Physik, Hanser Verlag, Munich,
> English (2006) by Görnitz T, Lyre H (Eds) The Structure of Physics,
> Springer, Dordrecht,
> [12] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref12> Görnitz T,
> Görnitz B (2018) Protyposis – an introduction / Consciousness and Matter
> from Quantum Information, DAS NEUE DENKEN, Munich, free download:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329043760_Protyposis_-_an_introduction_Consciousness_and_Matter_from_Quantum_Information__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RgPie5TlQ9Y2gVP5BrAmp7EDbHt3ySGtiwBdgnzfFxbEXXpB3OHVrqzgvNHJKRxdNkPa7RZ3Rei8_ixwhGg$
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329043760_Protyposis_-_an_introduction_Consciousness_and_Matter_from_Quantum_Information__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VbaA9voYOzhnze2gnBTM-N-nc1ffgu3GcC-u5wwVf6CLk9qKOp8zWd7fC-h-YMwO3fyTAnF5LL42TD7q4904dq3zeLJ2CQ$>
> [13] <#m_4256754085922029258_m_-7728518728971281123__ednref13> Görnitz T
> (2024) Understanding Quantum Theory / basic ideas and concepts, 2nd ed,
> Hanser, Munich
> Prof. Dr. Thomas Görnitz
> Privat (für Postsendungen):
> Karl-Mangold-Str. 13
> D-81245 München
> Tel: 0049-89-887746
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://goernitzunderstandingquantumtheory.com/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RgPie5TlQ9Y2gVP5BrAmp7EDbHt3ySGtiwBdgnzfFxbEXXpB3OHVrqzgvNHJKRxdNkPa7RZ3Rei86xJNuEw$
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://goernitzunderstandingquantumtheory.com/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VbaA9voYOzhnze2gnBTM-N-nc1ffgu3GcC-u5wwVf6CLk9qKOp8zWd7fC-h-YMwO3fyTAnF5LL42TD7q4904dq2G_AXsOA$>
> Fachbereich Physik
> J. W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
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