[Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 105, Issue 12 Human Wisdom vs Meta-Intelligence
Karl Javorszky
karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 11:38:49 CET 2023
Dear all,
There is an elaborate dancing around the main question:
How do we recognize the existence of something that Mark calls
My suggestion was to call the same concept "expectation". The difference
between expectations and anticipations is a difference in naming.
Mark and I agree that there is a systematic deviation within the numbering
system, which opposes anticipated (or expected) values with observed
Mark and me are deviating on the cause, observability and extent of the
systemic discongruence in readings of the symbol set. Mark leaves the
question open.
The answer is:
1. The symbol set is (appears to us to be) within itself partly
2. Our not understanding this slight inconsistency is an artefact of the
only and exclusive usage of the Sumerian way of counting (which brings us
N, a line of agglomerations of symbols '1'), the Sumerian way of counting
being too crude,
3. The Sumerian concept uses symbols that are optimally similar to each
4. Using the trivial algorithms alongside the Sumerian algorithm shows the
extent and placement on N of the deviations (see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.oeis.org/A242615__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RhuDAHnfOJeAZs0Ub5hK9bDjRQt-PbOsg0vZfky3Pm-FqBdN2VDRp7Yg5IT6DXHz2TigzZ3XWsCnBZsAK5SU3H9Zg1k$ ),
5. The two ways of counting generate different results, which we can call
expected (anticipated) vs observed,
6. Of the two results, none is better, truer or nobler than the other one,
7. The inbuilt inconsistency, discrepancy, deviation that we are forced to
admit to exist, may be called information.
The easiest way to understand the system that works on the small extents of
observations being otherwise related to expectations (information) is to go
through the steps of
1. generating an etalon collection
2. sorting and resequencing (resorting) it,
3. finding the cycles,
4. establishing the liaison values.
The set of anticipated values appears by comparison of cycles. There exists
such as most usual place, value, predictability within the symbol set, and
each of the observed data is in a reference relation to the expected range
for that data.
Always a pleasure to be of service.
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