[Fis] Fwd: Explanation about the publication of works inspired by the 2021 Summit
mjs at gl.aiu.ac.jp
Sat Mar 25 17:00:44 CET 2023
Dear Colleagues,
This book is dedicated to Mark's memory but it is just a completion of the
project started by Mark with my assistance collecting research outcomes
inspired by the Summit. Wolgang kindly accepted my invitation to continue
the project after Mark's passing. Thus, the book is not intended as a
tribute to Mark but as a completion of the project started by Him which
makes the dedication to his memory natural. Because of the extension of the
deadline we would like to invite additional submissions written in the same
style as described in the original CfP. It would be awkward to publish some
papers written before Mark's passing whose authors did not anticipate the
tragic circumstances and some papers written in response to it. Of course,
we asked the authors of earlier submissions whether they agree
to rededicate their work to Mark but we don't want to change the original
idea of the book. They also can add their own dedications of their papers
if they wish.
Those who want to contribute to the tribute to Mark directly addressing his
legacy will have another opportunity. There will be (and is already
announced) a joint Special Issue of Philosophies and Information intended
as a tribute to Mark edited by Gordana and me. The deadline is after the
next Summit where there will be a session addressing Mark's legacy. The SI
is intended as a venue for publication of papers for this session, but
everyone else can contribute their works too. Thus, participation in the
session or the Summit is not a condition for submissions.
Marcin J. Schroeder, Ph.D.
Specially Appointed Professor
Global Learning Center
IEHE (Institute for Excellence in Higher Education) (高度教養教育・学生支援機構)
Tohoku University (東北大学)
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41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 JAPAN (〒980-8576 仙台市青葉区川内41)
schroeder.marcin.e4 at tohoku.ac.jp
Professor Emeritus
Akita International University, Akita Japan
mjs at gl.aiu.ac.jp <mjs at aiu.ac.jp>
*Philosophies * (MDPI Basel Switzerland)
On Sun, Mar 26, 2023 at 12:27 AM Karl Javorszky <karl.javorszky at gmail.com>
> Agree with Marcus.
> It would be nice to parse the contributions accepted so far. One could see
> in what style these are.
> Can you give an url to the publication in its present state, please.
> (My contribution would be a remembrance and partly an obituary of Mark,
> reflection on his input during the formulation of my natural numbers and
> combinatorics based approach.)
> Marcus Abundis <55mrcs at gmail.com> schrieb am Sa., 25. März 2023, 15:01:
>> Dear Pedro, Marcin, and Wolfgang,
>>> I am a bit confused – earlier I made two identic abstract submissions,
>>> twice requested of me, around my talk at IS4SI 2021; beyond my original
>>> application submission.
>>> How do I know if what I submitted is already received/included(?) – of
>>> the 4 papers and 18 abstracts you say you already have?
>>> Alternatively . . . it sounds like you are NOW looking for new
>>> submissions? *inspired* by IS4SI 2021 (per the attached MS Word document).
>>> I do not recall seeing such a CFP (in November 2022?) for new material .
>>> . . or perhaps someone just decided to exclude me from distribution?
>>> No idea . . . a little clarification is appreciated.
>>> Thanks – Marcus
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