[Fis] emotions
Nikita Shklovskiy
nikitashk at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 05:39:05 CET 2023
"about a zettabyte (10^23 bits). About the same amount of information
contains one human personality" - what definitions of the concepts
"information" and "human personality" allow making such estimates?
Вт, 28 февр. 2023 г. в 20:17, konstantin lidin <lidinkl at hotmail.com>:
> Dear information ladies and gentlemen!
> There are two directions in the study of information. One, "humanitarian",
> explores information processes in living systems. The other ("physical")
> focuses on the study of information transitions into energy and other
> phenomena related to the structure of matter. The separation of these
> branches looks quite natural if we take into account the difference in the
> amount of information contained in the studied objects. The total amount of
> information contained on all media in all libraries, archives and other
> repositories of mankind is about a zettabyte (10^23 bits). About the same
> amount of information contains one human personality. At the same time, the
> most powerful information processes in non-living systems are limited to
> giga- and terabit scales. The difference of ten orders of magnitude cannot
> but cause fundamental differences in the methods and paradigms of these two
> spheres of knowledge.
> Recently, I have been saddened to observe the cessation of the dialogue
> between the two branches of information theory. "Humanitarians" and
> "physicists" increasingly ignore each other. It is unlikely that such
> trends will help the development of our ideas about the essence and
> properties of information. I sincerely hope that the gap will be overcome,
> including through my modest efforts.
> *Konstantin Lidin *
> Emotions play a very significant role in all areas related to the human
> factor [1]. The problem, however, is that the existing theories of emotion
> seem to fit only within their own narrow field. Attempts to use each of the
> theories in other areas are sharply criticized [2, 3].
> Our idea is to define emotions as the experience of information flow
> characteristics. In turn, we understand information as a structural aspect
> of the existence of matter, along with the inertial aspect (substance) and
> the dynamic aspect (energy). We believe that information is no less
> material than matter and energy.
> Consider the flow of information through the human senses. Like any flow,
> this flow can be strong (intense, with a lot of information per unit time)
> or weak. It can also be ordered (laminar) or chaotic (turbulent).
> The high intensity of the flow corresponds to the emotions of the group
> "interest, enthusiasm, excitement". Low - to the emotions of the "sadness,
> despondency" group. The laminar flow of information corresponds to the
> emotions of the "conscience, guilt" group. Turbulent - "fear, anxiety."
> Axes "intensity" and "order" are orthogonal to each other and form the
> basis of the Cartesian two-dimensional space. Thus, we get a "space of
> emotions", in which everyone points to a certain emotion. For example, the
> diagonal vector between the "interest" and "fear" semiaxes corresponds to
> the emotions of the "anger, aggression" group, and the vector between the
> "fear" and "sadness" semiaxes corresponds to the emotions of the "anger,
> aggression" group. groups "disgust, contempt". Diagonally between the
> vectors "sadness" and "conscience, guilt" are the emotions of the group
> "shame", and between "conscience" and "interest" - the group of emotions
> "joy, pride".
> Of course, only a few areas of the emotional space have their own names in
> any language. Most of the emotions are either "nameless" or indicated
> allegorically, with the help of comparisons and metaphors.
> The center of the space of emotions is the state of indifference. In
> ancient Greek philosophy, this state was designated as "ataraxia", in
> Sanskrit it corresponds to the term "ahimsa", and in Chinese philosophy -
> the principle of "wu-wei".
> The farther from the center, the more intense the emotions. For example,
> a weak form of the emotion "anger" is called "displeasure, irritation", and
> an extremely strong emotion from this group is called "rage, fury".
> The emotions of the left half-plane around the “sadness” half-axis slow
> down the processes in the body (they act asthenic). When experiencing
> sadness, breathing and pulse become slower and smaller, metabolism and
> energy production are inhibited at the cellular level, and so on. Unlimited
> growth of such processes can also become incompatible with life. In the
> same way, other groups of emotions have their own physiological limits on
> intensity.
> The bodily aspect of experiencing emotions allows you to associate them
> with the qualities of the images that a person perceives. The nervous
> system, and after it, the whole body is tuned to experience the information
> flow with certain parameters by changing the balance of neurotransmitters.
> For example, an increase in the concentration of dopamine and serotonin
> brings the nervous system into a state that is most effective for
> experiencing intense flows of information; adrenaline helps to experience
> chaotic flows of information, and so on.
> Sthenic emotions, having a stimulating effect on the body, contribute to
> an increase in visual acuity, especially color (since the cones in the
> retina are more mobile in their states than the rods). Other perceptions
> are heightened as well. As a result, a person in a sthenic state perceives
> the world as brighter, more colorful, dynamic, loud and resonant, saturated
> with intense smells and tastes.
> Accordingly, the emotions of the sthenic group (“interest” and those close
> to it) can be stimulated with the help of “hot” images with high
> brightness, colorfulness and dynamism. Voiced and loud sounds, intense
> smells and tastes, etc. are perceived as more interesting.
> On the contrary, the emotions of the asthenic group (“sadness” and around
> it) are stimulated by the perception of “cold” images - static, dull and
> gray. The "sounds of sadness" are quiet and muffled, the tastes and smells
> are faint and nuanced.
> Images corresponding to the emotions of the upper half-plane (“conscience,
> guilt” and those close to them) are distinguished by orderliness and
> harmony. In terms of visual mode, they rely on classic color chords, clear
> symmetry and balance. Their sound is rhythmic and harmonious. In the
> olfactory sense, natural combinations of taste and smell are used.
> The lower half-plane of the space of emotions corresponds to emotions of a
> chaotic type (“fear”, “anger”, “disgust” and those close to them). Such
> states correspond to colorful, disharmonious, arrhythmic, dissymmetric and
> dissonant images.
> The interpretation of emotions as parameters of the information flow makes
> it possible to build quantitative models for the analysis and synthesis of
> images in various fields. Our experience has shown the applicability of the
> information model of emotions in various areas of psychology, urban
> studies, architecture and design, economics, management, pedagogy, cultural
> studies, journalism, literary criticism, and so on [4]. We are currently
> working on using the information model of emotions in the field of
> human-computer interaction (artificial intelligence).
> *References *
> 1. Emotion-oriented Systems (2011). Catherine Pelachaud (Ed.), London :
> Wiley
> 2. Scarantino, Andrea and Ronald de Sousa, “Emotion”, The Stanford
> Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
> 3. Handbook of emotions (2008). Michael Lewis, Jeanette M. Halivand-Jones
> and Lisa Feldman Barrett (Ed.).3-d edition. NY – London : The Guilford Press
> 4. Lidin K. et all (2017) Applying the theory of informational flows in
> urbanism for a practical experiment in architecture and land use. Revista
> Espacios, V. 39(1), 12-21
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Никита Ефимович Шкловский-Корди
Гематологический центр.
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