[Fis] Information, misinformation, disinformation
Roy Morrison
roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 5 16:34:31 CEST 2023
I was once walking with young Grandson in a confusing rural subdivision in Keller Texas when I asked him do you know where you are?
He looked at me with astonishment and said "I'm here."
A friend of mine in NH who I worked with in anti- nuclear politics I discovered one day on the Concord Monitor front page was being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work with the Navy during the Explorer satellite program.An engineer, he developed the GPS system whose accuracy depended both on 3 point triangulation that navigators knew for centuries and relativity theory that became quite relevant at the distanced and speed for his algorithm to work precisely. Each point of location is an approximation within X feet based on the current accuracy of the algorithm.
That is information. Yes it is based on belief verifiable by the physics which of course opens the door to all sorts of uncertainty in the Quantum world.
If the algorithm failed to have good input data where It says I am may not at all be true. That's misinformation. If I manipulated the algorithm to give specious results that's disinformation.All three are matters of belief beyond for example being in my house and the GPS tells me I am in another part of Town.
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