[Fis] Meaning of semantics of Prigogine's reasonings. Was: Re: THE ROOTS OF MODERN CIVILISATION--transformers

Francesco Rizzo 13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 05:43:37 CET 2023

Dear Jerry,
Part Three - Theory of Value: Energy and Information of "Value and
Valuations" contains chapters 18-26 (pp. 453-645). The first chapter is 18.
The principles of thermodynamics and is divided into 18.2 The theorems of
Carnot and Clausius; 18.5 Calculation of entropy production: the
Gouy-Stodola theorem; 18.7 Energy and exergy efficiency, etc. I think I was
the first or among the first to include the determination of energy or
exergy for each unit of good or service produced in the economic-entropic
balance sheet of each company. So I necessarily had to include the logic of
mathematics or the mathematics of logic in my ecological economics or
economic ecology. Greetings.
Caro Jerry,
la Parte Terza- Teoria del valore: energia e informazione di "Valore e
valutazioni" contiene i capitoli 18-26 (pp. 453-645).
Il primo capitolo è 18. I principi della termodinamica e si articola in
18.2 I teoremi di Carnot e di Clausius; 18.5 Calcolo della
produzione di entropia: il teorema di Gouy-Stodola; 18.7 Efficienza
energetica ed exergetica, etc. Credo di essere stato il
primo o tra i primi a inserire nel bilancio economico-entropico di ogni
impresa la determinazione  dell'energia o dell'exergia
per ogni unità di bene o servizio prodotto. Quindi ho dovuto
necessariamente inserire nella mia economia ecologica o ecologia
economica, la logica della matematica o la matematica della logica.

Il giorno gio 26 gen 2023 alle ore 22:40 Jerry LR Chandler <
jerry_lr_chandler en icloud.com> ha scritto:

> Dear Francesco, List:
> Thank you for your careful and thoughtful response to my queries
> concerning the terminology of the new economy.  One of the cited phrases
> opened the possibly for a wider discussion. Here, I will only respond to
> one critical portion of the first paragraph of the partial response.
> To be clear, my inquiry was focused on the mathematical forms of physical
> / chemical thermodynamics as to potential foundations of the logic of “New
> Economy”.  And hence, the purpose of my query intrinsically was to seek
> semantic interpretations of the symbolic meanings of relative terms within
> the disciplines of mathematics, physics, chemistry and economics. In other
> words, how are the meaning of thermodynamic terms conserved in cross-,
> trans-, inter- and intra- communications?
>  Be reminded that thermodynamic terms are few in number and related by a
> few simple equations.  Some authors claim that physical thermodynamic terms
> form a “bilinear group”.  My view is that this conjecture of meaning of
> this mathematical assertion is not true for chemical thermodynamics. [ One
> of the equations, P * V = n * R * T does not admit chemical symbols.  (P,
> pressure, V, volume, T, temperature and n is a unitless number of particles
> of a gas.)]
> Thus, I ask myself, is there any logical or mathematical relations between
> “entropy” as the term is used in the New Economics?
> Or, is simply one allegory for randomness?
> Or, is it related to multiple logical terms, such as in the set terms
> describing and specifying the relatives in a biological  family?
> Or, is it related to multiple terms, such as a taxonomy for a set of
> biological species?
> Cheers
> Jerry
> On Jan 14, 2023, at 1:49 AM, Francesco Rizzo <13francesco.rizzo en gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Jerry you, among other things, conclude your reasoning like this: «I
> don't understand Prigogine's reasoning that is quoted about Ilya
> Prigogine's "dissipative structures" that create order (neg-entropy) from
> disorder (entropy) through fluctuations or instability. HOW “through
> fluctuations or instability” is related to the concept of spontaneity. For
> example, how does the concept of fluctuations relate to the old economy and
> what additional concepts relate fluctuations to the 'New Economy'?
> To answer these questions it would take many pages that are not allowed to
> me. So I limit myself to reminding you of what I. Prigogine writes in La
> Nuova Alleanza (PBE, Turin, 1993): Fifth chapter-The three stages of
> thermodynamics- 3. Far from equilibrium. Dissipative structures (…)
> Classical thermodynamics provides us with the concept of “equilibrium
> structure”, such as crystals. Benard's cells are also examples of
> structures, but of a very different nature. This is the reason why we have
> introduced the concept of dissipative structures. (…) Here the dissipation
> of energy and matter (entropy) becomes, in conditions far from equilibrium,
> a source of order (neg-entropy). (…) Dissipative structures correspond to a
> form of super-molecular organization. (…).
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