[Fis] World Logic Day & Entropy as Degrees of Freedom

Francesco Rizzo 13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 06:46:39 CET 2023

Dear Marco,
You asked Pedro if he had written anything about "degrees of freedom"
somehow connected with entropy. In the email I sent you on January 4th, I
mentioned the "dissipative structures" for which Prigogine was awarded the
Nobel and the implying "fluctuations" or "instability" which lead to the
variability of the degrees of freedom of these random variables which they
express the minimum number of data sufficient to evaluate the amount of
information (neg-entropy) contained in the considered statistic. In fact,
when a datum is not independent, the information it provides is already
implicitly contained in the others.
Speaking of neg-entropy, one cannot fail to mention E. Schrodinger who
applies the methods of quantum physics, for which he too received the Nobel
Prize, to the study of molecules of genetic interest. Informational
molecular biology originates from this trend.
In The Value Judgment (1971), I even anticipated the impossibility of
distributing the prices of real estate by means of Gauss's law or curve
having the least realistic degree of freedom and therefore the need to take
note of the geometry of Objects fractals (1975) by B.B. Mandelbrot. And I
could go on like this…
So how can you talk about the vagueness of the physicist-chemist and the
physicist who got the Nobel Prize talking about these topics, nothing else?
If I allowed myself to participate in this discussion with a welcoming and
supportive spirit, it is because I believe, with due humility, that I have
invented or discovered a New Quantum Economy, that is, precisely a
«“unified field theory” with many faces». So there is no "redirection back
to past processes".
And in any case, I am educated to always maintain my patient availability
for multi-disciplinary dialogue also because my new economics takes from
the other sciences and gives to the other sciences what it can or knows. At
least that's the science of my logic, without any presumptions.
A nice greeting, always cordial.

Il giorno ven 6 gen 2023 alle ore 09:21 Marcus Abundis <55mrcs en gmail.com>
ha scritto:

> Francesco,
> > defining two Nobel laureates, such as Prigogine and Schodinger . . . <
> I 'define' nobody – I trust you are aware Prigogine and Schodinger offered
> ideas beyond topics for which they received Nobel prizes. It is THAT work
> which I found unsatisfying, and if THAT work was generally seen otherwise,
> I imagine they would have received further Nobel prizes . . . but that is
> not the case.
> There is a much larger issue serious thinkers are aware of, including
> Prigogine and Schodinger. In a forward-looking way, addressing issues
> related to a missing 'unified field theory', with many faces, is more
> interesting and on point. I do not see how backward-looking redirection to
> past prizes helps with progress on this front.
> Marcus
> [image: --]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://about.me/marcus.abundis?promo=email_sig__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!ReMSJacexlM9cil2-txt_2zmHPYnzyDJNHSZxJoWinb_UBoUhA7242zxG915Zq2QvAlb5UspBM9N3aSGLHGa5VS_gImv$ >
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