[Fis] World Logic Day & Entropy as Degrees of Freedom

Marcus Abundis 55mrcs at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 09:21:42 CET 2023

> defining two Nobel laureates, such as Prigogine and Schodinger . . . <

I 'define' nobody – I trust you are aware Prigogine and Schodinger offered
ideas beyond topics for which they received Nobel prizes. It is THAT work
which I found unsatisfying, and if THAT work was generally seen otherwise,
I imagine they would have received further Nobel prizes . . . but that is
not the case.

There is a much larger issue serious thinkers are aware of, including
Prigogine and Schodinger. In a forward-looking way, addressing issues
related to a missing 'unified field theory', with many faces, is more
interesting and on point. I do not see how backward-looking redirection to
past prizes helps with progress on this front.


[image: --]

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://about.me/marcus.abundis?promo=email_sig__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!XSRc9vDRFoby_j_hmu6p_4Vr7HRYmunXBc_2HVwurkbV3YkGgrN9wxX2AJK9p8zatZ4wCJoBK7pA-B-Y$ >

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