[Fis] Paradigm shift: from "I know" to "I don't know"!

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 13:51:06 CET 2023

Dear Yixin, Eric, Joseph, and FIS Colleagues,

The conference in London is over and now I have little time to meet
Joseph's expectations.

Let's remember Shannon's Theory.
Information is one bit if the answer to the question is "Yes",
If the answer is "No" then entropy is one bit.
In other words, we count the ones and zeros in the answers.

At the same time, no question is allowed without an answer!

At the level of signals, this means that a signal with modulation "1" or
with modulation "0" must be received. If no signal is received with one of
these modulations, it is assumed that an error has occurred and the signal
should be retransmitted.
If this is impossible, the system is helpless.

In conclusion, the motto that emerges is that "I must know" to be able to

This is the motto of Artificial Intelligence at the moment.
The system must be trained, it must know everything in advance to operate.
Even Large Language Models are based on prior learning and respond only
based on what has already been learned.
This is a feature of existing data structures that are used in artificial
intelligence systems, for example - neural networks.
For each new knowledge, the neural network must be trained again.

At the same time, we live in conditions of incomplete data.
I have to create models for what "I don't know".

Going back to Shannon's Theory, this means allowing for unanswered
In other words, it is no longer possible to count and evaluate the answers,
but to count and evaluate the questions.
And the quantity of information and entropy to be calculated based on the
number of solved and, accordingly, unsolved problems.

Now the motto is "I don't know, and I have to create an answer myself!".

This is the next level of artificial intelligence, where the system should
determine by itself what it "doesn't know" and generate new knowledge.

In other words, a paradigm shift from "I know" to "I don't know!" is

Finally, let us remember antiquity and the words of the great philosopher:
"I know that I know nothing!"

With friendly greetings,

PS: In the next letter I will comment on the relationship between the
concepts of "matter", "energy" and "information".
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