[Fis] nformation and Computing in Nature: Philosophical Perspectives December 1-2, 2022

R k rmkrzan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 07:44:58 CET 2022

*Information and Computing in Nature: Philosophical Perspectives*

December 1-2, 2022

The Commission for the Philosophy of Science at the Polish Academy of Arts
and Sciences (Polska Akademia Umiejętności) invites presentation proposals
for the Conference on the Philosophy of Computing and Information. The
theme of the conference will be *Information and Computing in Nature:
Philosophical Perspectives.*

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

§  Non-Turing computational paradigms

§  Computing and information in natural systems (e.g., cellular automata,
cellular computing, neural computation, evolutionary computation, swarm
intelligence, immune systems, membrane computing, amorphous computing,
computing, cognitive computing)

§  The ontology of  information in natural systems

§  The epistemology and ontology of computer simulations of natural systems

§  Biosemiotic inspirations in artificial autonomous systems

§  Information and computation in autopoietic systems

§  Information and computation in physical systems

§  Natural information storage systems

§  Information and computing in cosmology

This conference is being organized to advance our understanding of
computing and information in natural systems. It is generally recognized
that nature computes and processes information, but we need to continually
explore how computing and information discloses itself in natural systems.
This conference intends to bring together scientists and philosophers and
create a forum for discussing philosophy in science. This dialog will in
turn create opportunities for finding new forms of inquiry for
understanding information and computing within nature itself.

Proposals for presentations should be submitted for anonymous review to:
NatureCom.2022[at]gmail.com <InfoComNature_2022 at gmail.com>.

On a separate page, the author(s) should provide their full name(s),
affiliation(s), and a short CV/resume (up to 150 words). Proposals should
not exceed 300–400 words (including references), and presentations should
be given in English.

*Important dates*:

Nov. 14st          -           Deadline for abstracts

Nov. 18th            -           The authors of accepted abstract will be

Nov. 21st          -           Program finalized

Nov. 25th         -           Zoom contacts sent out

Dec. 1-2nd        -           Conference online (ZOOM)/hybrid(TBD)

The online part of the conference will be organized using the ZOOM
platform, and there are no fees for attending the conference. The list of
accepted abstracts will be published prior to the conference, and the
authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers (up to
6000 words with references) that will be considered for publication in
the *Philosophical
Problems in Science* journal in 2023/24.

Any inquiries should be sent to the conference secretary, Dr Roman
Krzanowski, at: NatureCom.2022[at]gmail.com <InfoComNature_2022 at gmail.com>
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