[Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 86, Issue 9. Humor and Ontology

Loet Leydesdorff loet at leydesdorff.net
Fri Feb 11 15:25:31 CET 2022

Dear Joseph:

Let me try to respond:

>I find throughout our discussion (and many others) an under-emphasis notto say neglect of ontological perspectives which are linked to science by their relation to the dynamics of thought.
If I correctly understand you, this is Descartes' question or perhaps, 
upside down: "The dynamics of thought" is equivalent to Descartes' 
cogito, isn't it?

Descartes then invokes the Veracitas Dei for answering the question 
about the existence of Ego and the outside world. The question of the 
existence of God is covered by the ontological proof (which I do not 
here repeat).

Kant found Descartes' discussion very good, but noted that the proof of 
God is not convincing. It follows that one can remain agnostic. In other 
words, this question does not have to be answered. (In other words, one 
can proceed to doing science.)

Is that an answer to your question?

>One term used by Pedro captures almost everything I am trying to say: "inter-individual bonding". Change and an "science-philosophy" (the term is of Wu Kun) of change is immediately implied since such bonding like any real bonding is a dynamic process, with an ethical dimension 'built in'. The role of information, at the interface between ontology and epistemology, also appears in a more functional way. I hope that others may suggest other and better relations between these concepts.
These are questions which cannot be answered in the brief context of an 
email. If I correctly understand you, I would follow Parsons and Luhmann 
calling this interpenetration.

In the case of interpenetration the 'bonding' is a consequence of both 
operational and structural coupling. (Maturana would not agree!) The two 
systems (e.g., communication and consciousness) make their complexity 
available for the other, so that the puzzle-solving capacity is 

See my recent book for more details. It happens to be that we discuss 
Chapter 4 on Feb. 16. Chapter 4 addresses these issues.

Wednesday,  Feb 16, 2022 
- Chapter 4 - Towards a Calculus of Redundancy.

Comments by

                  Inga Ivanova <https://hse-ru.academia.edu/IngaIvanova> 
(HSE Univ., Moscow, Russia).
Larry Richards <https://campuslibraryiue.academia.edu/LarryRichards> 
(Mgmt. & Engineering, Indiana Univ. East, USA).
Diana Lucio <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Diana-Lucio-Arias> 
(Pontifical Xavierian Univ., Columbia).


In this chapter, I extend Shannon’s linear model of communication into a 
model in which communication is differentiated both vertically and 
horizontally (Simon, 1973). Following Weaver (1949), three layers are 
distinguished operating in relation to one another: (i) at level A, the 
events are sequenced historically along the arrow of time, generating 
Shannon-type information (that is, uncertainty); (ii) the incursion of 
meanings at level B is refer­ential to (iii) horizons of meaning spanned 
by codes in the communication at level C. In other words, relations at 
level A are first distinguished from correlations among patterns of 
relations and non-relations at level B. The correlations span a vector 
space on top of the network of relations. Relations are positioned in 
this vector space and can then be provided with meaning. Different 
positions provide other perspectives and horizons of meaning. 
Perspectives can overlap, for example, in Triple-Helix relations. 
Overlapping perspectives can generate redundancies—that is, new 
options—as a result of synergies.



<https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030599508>Loet Leydesdorff

"The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discusive Knowledge" 
<https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-59951-5>(Open Access)

Professor emeritus, University of Amsterdam

Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)

loet en leydesdorff.net <mailto:loet en leydesdorff.net>; 


ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7835-3098;

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