[Fis] Dualistic Manifest
Mark Johnson
johnsonmwj1 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 10:14:52 CEST 2021
Count me in too. I agree with Loet's comments - particularly about objects.
Best wishes
On Wed, 6 Oct 2021, 05:21 Loet Leydesdorff, <loet at leydesdorff.net> wrote:
> Dear Karl,
> Information is a constituent of the system, because between the two parts,
> deviations between expectations and observations are an inbuilt feature,
> with the special case symmetry being the background to the general case.
> Yes, but without a priori symmetry: observations are different from
> expectations. The potentiality is richer than what actually became
> phenotypically manifest. In my opinion, the expectations are grounded in
> intersubjective intentionality. They can proliferate much faster.
> *The search for a basic rule, which explains the interactions between
> objects and their relations, is advancing. *
> *We are not objects, but res cogitans. *
> You, my dear Learned Friends, are my intellectual-scientific habitat.
> Please allow me to invite such of among you, who might be interested in
> collaboration in the declaration of a radically new world view, to drop me
> a short note and the manuscript will be forwarded to you, inviting your
> critical and constructive comments.
> Yes, I volunteer.
> Best, Loet
> Thank you for your wide perspective.
> Karl
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