[Fis] DECRETUM: Concordance of the Discordant

Krassimir Markov markov at foibg.com
Fri Nov 19 02:08:13 CET 2021

Dear Pedro,
I really appreciate your letter!
It's just in time for me.
I thought about the research area that is related to me.
First of all, it is probably good to start creating an information science taxonomy.
It will help us as a map for future research.
There are many such taxonomies for computer science.
Many of the topics presented at is4si Int. Conference can be assigned to existing ones in, for example, the ACM classification system.
ITHEA uses it as an initial taxonomy, adding new specific elements.
Link to it: http://idr.ithea.org/tiki-browse_categories.php
If it is interesting for colleagues, we can start step by step to create such a taxonomy for information sciences.
Friendly regards,

-----Original Message----- 
From: Pedro C. Marijuan 
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 3:24 PM 
To: 'fis' 
Subject: [Fis] DECRETUM: Concordance of the Discordant 

Dear FIS Colleagues,

In the early XII Century, something very interesting occurred around the 
first university created in Europe (Bologna). The situation of law in 
that time was very confusing, with overlapping civil and religious 
canons that had been developed independently. Gratian (Gratianus) was a 
fine jurist and canon lawyer operating in Tuscany, and teacher, and 
monastic rubricator in Bologna. He produced an admirable synthesis,  
Decretum: Concordia Discordantium Canonum. In the first, more concise, 
version, the synthetic work was framed in three parts: a sophisticate 
Introduction in which fundamental Distinctiones (distinctions) were 
made, and a second part with 36 causae or situations divided into 
concrete questions with systematic commentaries (Summae). The third 
part  discussed the difficulties, bringing forward solutions via 
different auctoritates from a variety of sources.

The work supposed a watershed for Western Law. He was acclaimed as 
Father of the Canon Law, appreciatively cited in Dante's Divine Comedy 
(with a place in Paradise!), and considered as the creator of rational 
law. Gratian himself coined the term "scientia nova" (new science) 
referring to his synthesis, which indeed became highly influential 
outside law, particularly concerning his methodology of questions and 
systematic commentaries or Summae. Actually, later great synthesizers in 
philosophy and theology (Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas) were 
influenced by his method, as well the further development of the 
Scholastic School in next centuries...

Could the reflection on Doctor Gratianus strenuous work & clever 
methodology, bringing concordance among the discordant, be of interest 
for our troubles on the general study of information and on the 
foundations of information science in particular? In my own case, those 
ten fundamental principles I penned time ago, could be easily 
transformed into a few of the questions... Rather than looking for the 
single, exclusive point of view, the participation in establishing 
concordance among the discordant via a multidisciplinary spattering of 
basic questions is what transpires when one contemplates the historic of 
our list debates. See the 64 "questions" FIS has dealt with up to now: 
https://fis.sciforum.net/fis-discussion-sessions/  Of course, with 
hindsight, it could be done better.

All the best,


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