[Fis] FIS papers

Michel Petitjean petitjean.chiral at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 15:32:19 CET 2021

Dear FISers,

Please let me introduce the young international journal JIMIS, of
which I am a board member
(Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science),
ISSN 2430-3038.
It is free for authors *** AND *** free for readers.
It is supported by the CNRS, the largest fundamental science agency in Europe
As you can see on the welcome page of JIMIS
(if needed, you may turn from French to English by clicking at the top
right of the page)
it is a perfect potential recipient for many of your papers.

Moreover, in agreement with the Editor-in-Chief, Didier Josselin
(didier.josselin at univ-avignon.fr), in copy of my email, we propose
that the original papers of the 2021 IS4SI proceedings can be
published in a special issue of JIMIS.
The anonymous peer review stands for all JIMIS papers.
The accepted papers will be published on HAL
(https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/), the French national server of
scientific documents.
HAL is somewhat looking like to arXiv, and some preprints deposited on
HAL can be transferred to arXiv.
However, HAL contains also PhD theses, course documents, etc, and even
copies of published papers when the copyright permits.
HAL is extremly well indexed by Google.
*** Please notice that the first stage deposit on HAL or arXiv of the
manuscript (first stage to submit), is NO MORE required: the
submission is performed directly to the Editor-in-Chief.
The instructions for authors are not yet updated, but be sure that
this prior deposit is optional.
Do not hesitate to request more information to Didier or to me.

All my best,

Michel Petitjean
Université de Paris, BFA, CNRS UMR 8251, INSERM ERL U1133, F-75013 Paris, France
Phone: +331 5727 8434; Fax: +331 5727 8372
E-mail: petitjean.chiral at gmail.com (preferred),
        michel.petitjean at univ-paris-diderot.fr

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