[Fis] New Dialog on Social Systems. Omnology

Joseph Brenner joe.brenner at bluewin.ch
Sun Nov 29 09:32:52 CET 2020

Dear Pedro, Dear Colleagues,


Please permit me to disassociate myself from this Manifesto. To paraphrase
what one of the Chief Justices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said about
Trump’s claim of fraud, simply calling something a science does not make it


I would call this Promethean statement “A Hymn to Identity” – our knowledge
in one ball; stitch together the humanly diverse patchwork quilt. For me,
the aspiration to omniscience is just a ‘light’ version of the aspiration to


There is indeed a relationship between and beyond the different disciplines
and forms of thought, by virtue of their common origins and existence. This
insight is worth restating, with perhaps some minimum reference to the point
about transdisciplinarity just made by Pedro. 


The omnologist as described here seems to be incapable of error. Apparently,
scientific truth is at the heart of ‘omnology’: one must go to the latter to
find the former. Introspection is a method of approach to knowledge that is
undeniable, but the vagaries of Peirce should be enough to warn us of how it
can go astray. As Basarab Nicolescu said in his Manifesto of
Transdisciplinarity, openness to new ideas, approaches, syntheses – whatever
- needs to be accompanied by both rigor and humility.


Finally, I fail to appreciate the instrumentalization of poetry, made by
Howard in his note. When one is in the domain of poetry and art, there are
no ultimate goals, let alone one of omnology.        


Best wishes; be safe.





From: Fis [mailto:fis-bounces at listas.unizar.es] On Behalf Of Howard Bloom
Sent: dimanche, 29 novembre 2020 00:08
To: pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es; fis at listas.unizar.es
Subject: Re: [Fis] New Dialog on Social Systems


Pedro, looks like you've achieved an extraordinary act of Omnology. 


What's Omnology?


Omnology—the aspiration to omniscience.  an academic base for the
promiscuously curious, a discipline that concentrates on seeing the patterns
that emerge when one views all the sciences and the arts at once.


The Omnologist Manifesto



We are blessed with a richness of specializations, but cursed with a paucity
of panoptic disciplines—categories of knowledge that concentrate on seeing
the pattern that emerges when one views all the sciences at once.  Hence we
need a field dedicated to the panoramic, an academic base for the
promiscuously curious, a discipline whose mandate is best summed up in a
paraphrase of the poet Andrew Marvel: “Let us roll all our strength and all
Our knowledge up into one ball, And tear our visions with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life.”


Omnology is a science, but one dedicated to the biggest picture conceivable
by the minds of its practitioners.  Omnology will use every conceptual tool
available—and some not yet invented but inventible—to leapfrog over
disciplinary barriers, stitching together the patchwork quilt of science and
all the rest that humans can yet know.  If one omnologist is able to
perceive the relationship between pop songs, ancient Egyptian graffiti,
mysticism, neurobiology, and the origins of the cosmos, so be it.  If
another uses mathematics to probe traffic patterns, the behavior of insect
colonies, and the manner in which galaxies cluster in swarms, wonderful.
And if another uses introspection to uncover hidden passions and relate them
to research in chemistry, anthropology, psychology, history, and the arts,
she, too, has a treasured place on the wild frontiers of scientific
truth—the terra incognita in the heartland of omnology.


Let me close with the words of yet another poet, William Blake, on the
ultimate goal of omnology:



To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.


Howard Bloom, 2001



-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro C. Marijuan <pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es>
To: fis at listas.unizar.es
Sent: Sat, Nov 28, 2020 1:17 pm
Subject: Re: [Fis] New Dialog on Social Systems

Dear Joseph and colleagues,


Let me first cordially thank to the contributors who have chimed in the list
and expressed their appreciation. About your reflection, yes, it was a neat
transdisciplinary exercise. It was an initial idea from Andrei that we two
crystallized during the IS4SI venue in Berkeley. In some sense it is unusual
business, given the compartmentalized structure of most research, but at the
same time it may be the natural way to look at such "information objects" of
extreme complexity as societies are. We need a bunch of the perspectives
capable of saying anything interesting or relevant about them. For medieval
thinker Raymond Lulli this handling of heterogeneous perspectives was the
intellectual "Ars Magna".  It represents the continued recombination
processes withing the "ecologies of knowledge" of our colleague Yixin. And
it was one of fundamental information principles I presented last month.


And to draw some more water to my own mill, quite many principles of those
variegated disciplines might be put in connection with the principles of
information science. Information science and information philosophy would
appear as the "unofficial handlers" of that intuitive Art.


Best regards



El 28/11/2020 a las 10:31, Joseph Brenner escribió

Dear Pedro, Dear Andrei,


Many thanks to you both for the opportunity to have participated in this
remarkable project! I look forward to reading all the papers, especially
those of some of the non-FIS contributors with whom I have lost contact. It
just occurred to me that this Special Issue is an exemplary
Transdisciplinary Project, of the kind that IS4SI is supposed also to help
develop. We could either just say: Nous faisons de la Transdisciplinarité
sans le savoir or we could use this concept in some way. I offer this
thought for your consideration during the 3rd International Congress on
Transdisciplinarity which is in progress essentially on-line for the next
six months. Comments welcome.


Best wishes,





From: Fis [mailto:fis-bounces at listas.unizar.es] On Behalf Of Pedro C.
Sent: jeudi, 26 novembre 2020 20:20
To: 'fis'
Subject: [Fis] New Dialog on Social Systems


Dear FIS Colleagues,

You may remember the announcement that Andrei Igamberdiev and me circulated
last year on a special issue in BioSystems on the "Evolutionary Dynamics of
Social Systems--Looking for a New Dialog". We are glad to tell that the
edition is finally over and the contributions (more than 20) of this special
issue can be freely visited and downloaded during 50 days, until will 13
January 2021, in the link:

Quite a few contributors belong to our list: Joseph Brenner & Andrei
Igamberdiev (reflexive transformation of reality), Loet Leydesdorff (codes
in inter-human communications), Howard Bloom (biopolitics: bacterial roots
of the new autocracies) , Yagmur Denizhan (from archaic to modern myths),
Wolfgang Hofkirchner (the contemporary Great Bifurcation), Pedro Marijuan &
Jorge Navarro (acceleration of cultural change).... There are also
contributions from the Cliodynamics school (on political stability of
societies), from Adrian Bejan (constructal nature of social evolution), from
Nicholas Christakis' team (selective mating in human evolution), from Andrei
Khrennikov (entropy and quantum effects in decision making), etc. 

You may have a previous glance on our editorial presenting the issue:

Hope you will find it an interesting and useful special issue.


Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es



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Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es

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Howard Bloom


trailer for BRIC-TV's 66-minute film ,The Grand Unified Theory of Howard
Bloom,  https://youtu.be/rGkOkChazUQ 

Best Picture, Science Design Film Festival. Best Documentary Feature, Not
Film Festival, Italy. Now available  on Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play,
Microsoft, Vimeo, Vudu, and Fandango.


Author of: The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of
History ("mesmerizing"-The Washington Post), 

Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st
Century ("reassuring and sobering"-The New Yorker),

The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism ("A tremendously
enjoyable book." James Fallows, National Correspondent, The Atlantic),  

The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates ("Bloom's argument will rock
your world." Barbara Ehrenreich),

How I Accidentally Started the Sixties (“Wow! Whew! Wild! Wonderful!”
Timothy Leary),

The Mohammed Code (“A terrifying book
the best book I’ve read on Islam.”
David Swindle, PJ Media), and

Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me: a Search  for Soul in the Power Pits of Rock
& Roll ("Amazing. The writing is revelatory." Freddy DeMann, manager of
Michael Jackson and Madonna), Best Book of 2020, New York Weekly Times.

A Quartz Magazine Pro

Former Visiting Scholar, Graduate Psychology Department, New York
University, Former Core Faculty Member, The Graduate Institute; Current
Kepler Space Institute Senior Scholar.

Founder: International Paleopsychology Project. Founder, Space Development
Steering Committee.  Member Of Board Of Governors, National Space Society.
Founding Board Member: Epic of Evolution Society. Founding Board Member, The
Darwin Project.t

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