[Fis] Note to Jaime

Marcus Abundis 55mrcs at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 14:31:47 CEST 2020

I am unsure how best to respond to your post.
I easily understand a wish to have one's name spelled correctly, as I wish
the same for myself (Karl J. can testify), but a simple corrective note is
all that was needed.

As to the substance of your response, you show yourself to prefer an ad
hominem line of logic, which I understand is the bane of
scientific discourse. You do this in 1) imagining a personal insult where
none was intended (innocently interposed I and M), 2) by inciting an
insulting context [mental laziness, really?!], and 3) citing a long list of
presumed qualifications for the author in question. You do this rather than
exploring (or supporting) YOURSELF how thermodynamic entropy might surpass
four fundamental forces in physics (always interested in new ideas). We
plainly have different ideas of what mental laziness looks like . . .

Lastyl, I have already touched on this issue with T. Deacon (privately) and
he has since moved on to a more `open systems' world view, rather than the
`closed' view Botlzmann's thermodynamic laws stipulate. That said, I also
think `the story is unfinished', so I still keep a watchful eye on this

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