[Fis] IS4SI Brazilian chapter and Rio de Janeiro meeting

Pedro C. Marijuan pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es
Tue Nov 19 12:46:04 CET 2019

Dear Gustavo and Brazilian colleagues,

Welcome to the FIS list, and congratulations for the promising Brazil 
IS4SI Chapter you are starting. It is great news to count with a 
dedicated community in an important country such as Brazil, and even 
more to realize that there is a relevant teaching effort on information 
science there. It opens the possibility of student & research exchange 
with other National Chapters (eg, China) who also have specific teaching 
programs. The perspective you open of a "continental" chapter covering 
also other Latin American countries looks a great goal. Maybe as you 
suggest it could be attempted after the realization there of a IS4SI 
(&FIS) venue --sure you can count with the support of scholars and 
researchers of this community in order to have that event in July 2020, 
and in next weeks you can check with the IS4SI structures too. 
Concerning this list, the present nucleus of the Brazil Chapter is 
invited to organize a discussion session on a favorite theme of their 
And that's it. My acknowledgement to Moises Nisenbaum, veteran FISer, 
for the important role played in the creation of this Chapter.

Best wishes to you all,

El 18/11/2019 a las 16:56, Gustavo Saldanha escribió:
> Dear colleagues, how are you doing?
> I am Gustavo Saldanha, researcher of the IBICT <http://www.ibict.br/> 
> (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology). From 
> dialogues with Pedro Marijuan, we would like to present the proposal 
> to create a IS4SI & FIS Chapter in Brasil from the representation of 
> IBICT. Our institute is the first centre of informational theoretical 
> studies and information philosophy in Latin America. In 1970 we 
> created the first postgraduate program in Information Science 
> <http://www.ppgci.ufrj.br/pt/> and the first research domain in 
> information philosophy in Latin America.
> The initial names are:
> Lena Vania Ribeiro Pinheiro (PhD in Communication and Culture - IBICT 
> researcher) - lenavania at ibict.br <mailto:lenavania at ibict.br>
> Moisés André Nisenbaum (PhD in  Information Science - IFRJ Professor) 
> - moises.nisenbaum at ifrj.edu.br <mailto:moises.nisenbaum at ifrj.edu.br>
> Gustavo Saldanha (PhD in Information Science - IBICT Researcher) - 
> saldanhaquim at gmail.com <mailto:saldanhaquim at gmail.com>
> Ricardo Medeiros Pimenta (PhD in Social Memory - IBICT Researcher) - 
> ricardo.pimenta at gmail.com <mailto:ricardo.pimenta at gmail.com>
> Marco Schneider (PhD in Communication - IBICT Researcher) - 
> art68schneider at gmail.com <mailto:art68schneider at gmail.com>
> Arthur Coelho Bezerra (PhD in Social Sciences - IBICT Researcher) - 
> absurdosturos at gmail.com <mailto:absurdosturos at gmail.com>
> We have other colleagues in Latin America (Argentina, Mexico, Cuba and 
> Colombia) and we can invite them.
> Our main thematic axes already developed at IBICT are:
>   * Philosophy of Information; Epistemology of Information Science;
>     Scientific communication in informational studies; Information
>     Ethics; Digital Humanities; Critical theory of information;
>     Informational mediation; Knowledge organization.
> We are also available to hold an edition of the scientific event in 
> Brazil. We can to realize a shorter scientific conference in Rio de 
> Janeiro in 2020. For us would be very important. We are in a difficult 
> political and economic context, but we are available to add efforts to 
> an event. Throughout 2020 we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of 
> Information Science in Brazil and Latin America.
> What do you think about an event in July 2020? Some colleagues could 
> come to Rio de Janeiro in this meeting to talk about IS4IS and we 
> would launch the Brazil chapter.
> We await your evaluation and suggestions.
> Best regards,
> *
> *
> *Gustavo Saldanha*
> Pesquisador adjunto - IBICT/MCTIC
> Professor adjunto - Unirio
> Rua Lauro Muller, 455, 4o andar, sala 401
> Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 22.290-160
> Tel: 21 3873-9458 - Fax: 21 3873-9450
> Endereço eletrônico: gustavosaldanha at ibict.br 
> <mailto:gustavosaldanha at ibict.br>
> Endereço alternativo: saldanhaquim at gmail.com 
> <mailto:saldanhaquim at gmail.com>
> Grupo de pesquisa: Ecce Liber <https://www.ecceliber.org/>
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Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group

pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es

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