[Fis] "The Bandwagon" !

Krassimir Markov markov at foibg.com
Thu Dec 26 13:33:32 CET 2019

Dear Xueshan, Michel, Marcin, and FIS Colleagues,

I answer to your closed discussion, because Michel has posted it in FIS list.

Culinary science is different from the science of making pots!
Pots are just one of the technical tools that culinary science uses, but the end product of culinary science is the food, no matter with what means it is prepared.

But neither the culinary science nor the science of pots can correctly define the concept of "delicious"!

Computer science is the engineering science of creating data processing tools, as well as the science of data processing itself with computers.

Please read Shannon's article "The Bandwagon" (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=1056774). 
He made it clear that his theory was not about information, it is just a theory of data transmission and it is too dangerous to transmit its results beyond the field of data transmission (communication).

Some colleagues confuse “data” and “information” concepts. 
Replace the word "information" in their writings with the word "data" and you will get brilliant theories.

The same applies to all other sciences - they can help with the right tools and experiments, but they can't define the concept of "information" correctly. 

The concept of "information" is a philosophical one and only in philosophy is it possible to give a good definition to be used by other sciences.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Warm friendly greetings,

-----Original Message----- 
From: Michel Petitjean 
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 11:19 AM 
To: Yan Xueshan 
Cc: Marcin SCHROEDER ; 钟义信 ; annette.grathoff ; fis ; mark burgin ; Wolfgang Hofkirchner ; take ; czc0910 ; denizhan ; jdian ; Gustavo Saldanha ; 邬 ; Pedro C. Marijuan ; Gordana Dodig Crnkovic ; leb ; sbr.msc 
Subject: Re: [Fis] Newsletter and Season Greetings 

Dear Xueshan, dear All, dear FISers,

This is a really important question: what are the relations between
information science and computer science?
At least the word "information" is common two both fields.
Also, in my opinion, Shannon information should be considered to be
part of both fields.
However, more funding seems available via computer science.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Michel Petitjean
Université de Paris, BFA, CNRS UMR 8251, INSERM ERL U1133, F-75013 Paris, France
Phone: +331 5727 8434; Fax: +331 5727 8372
E-mail: petitjean.chiral at gmail.com (preferred),
        michel.petitjean at univ-paris-diderot.fr

Le jeu. 26 déc. 2019 à 02:31, Xueshan Yan <yxs at pku.edu.cn> a écrit :
> Dear Marcin,
> I agree with your fundraising is an urgent issue in IS4SI, but I only give a few lines on your point 5. You have touched the tenderest area around us: Is computer science an information science? If is, what is the relationship between it and the information science that we are pursuing here? If not, why?
> Higher education of information in Japan has some good cases for us. Tohoku University, Tokyo University, etc. have treated technical information and human information separately successfully. In a sense, they are ahead of us.
> Another question pressing us enough headache is: Is genetics an information science? Same: Is neuroscience an information science? The fundamental concept in both of these two disciplines is Information. Another subject in which information becomes more and more basic in biology is endocrinology.
> Understanding of information science as a much broader domain of study just is the pursuit of IS4SI, we only have the form but without the content of it now, what could we propagate to related colleagues? So, not only a big task is it, but a despairing task is it too. Beyond computer science, biology, physics, and chemistry, etc. are the basic characteristics of FIS, but this burden has been more and more beyond our ability and is becoming its characteristics.
> Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all colleagues!
> Xueshan

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