[Jaje] Fwd: UKB RAP Q&A session
Julia Ramirez
Julia.Ramirez en unizar.es
Mie Dic 11 09:21:43 CET 2024
For info...Hubo una sesión específica de RAP ayer antes del congreso y
fue Helen, nos manda sus notas.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: UKB RAP Q&A session
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 17:28:20 +0100
From: William Young <w.young en qmul.ac.uk>
Reply-To: pbmlab <pbmlab en qmul.ac.uk>
To: pbmlab <pbmlab en qmul.ac.uk>
Thanks Helen for sharing.
/Dr William J Young MRCP, PhD/
/NIHR Clinical Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London/
///Electrophysiology Cardiology Registrar, Barts Heart Centre//
*From:* pbmlab-request en qmul.ac.uk <pbmlab-request en qmul.ac.uk> on behalf
of Helen Warren <h.r.warren en qmul.ac.uk>
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 10, 2024 4:16:45 PM
*To:* pbmlab <pbmlab en qmul.ac.uk>
*Subject:* UKB RAP Q&A session
Dear all,
Sharing here my notes from this morning's pre-conference session, as I
was the only one who attended...
(Hope my quick notes make some sense to others...)
Best wishes,
UKB Dec 2024 Conference
## UKB-RAP Q&A session:
* Mandatory training!!
* UKB GitHub has lots of notebooks with example scripts, which also
state recommended instances, to give you an idea of run-time & cost etc
* Parallel computing always better
* Better/cheaper to use bespoke apps
* Lots of training & videos available
* If ever we need more compute power for large-scale analyses, we can
email the UKB dnanexus support team, and request more, they’re happy
to help
* Recently published a paper on policy guidance for how best to use AI
on the UKB dataset
* Use UKB community forum
* eg Q about working group for AI & ML methods in UKB
* Data Showcase can’t be used to cross-reference or cross-tabulate
between different data-fields. For data anonymity. So, if we have a
specific query,
* One of the simple examples for running a GWAS, is for height; a more
complex one is for BP! And helps with categorisation of different
sources of different BP data field measurements
* Simple example is using PLINK (which is ok for small N datasets)
* Then also a step-by-step tutorial for running a GWAS using REGENIE
(which is better for large N analyses)
* Q from UKB team, whether researchers would find it helpful to have a
synthetic dataset to use for tutorials & training >> I said YES!
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