[Fis] Biologic - at the interface between biology, topology, logic and cybernetics (by Lou Kauffman)

Louis Kauffman loukau at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 23:41:13 CET 2025

Dear Krassimir and others,

It seems to me that I should not have sent all those papers!
I offer a talk on these matters this Friday, Noon Chicago time.

Title: Biologic - at the interface between biology, topology, logic and cybernetics
Speaker: Louis H Kauffman

Time: Noon, Chicago time. Friday, January 10, 2025

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> On Jan 7, 2025, at 1:50 PM, Krassimir Markov <itheaiss at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Plamen,
> I take your note on multidimensionality as something very important.
> In this regard, I would like to note that multidimensionality is inherent in our everyday life. 
> I myself designed and participated in the implementation of an industrial information system that has been operating for 30 years and is used for multidimensional modeling of business processes. At its core lies a system for operating with an infinitely-dimensionally numbered information space, i.e. data is stored on the basis of coordinate vectors with a variable and practically unlimited length.
> This is truly another world!
> Dear Lou,
> First of all, I would like to note that I, like Plamen, need time to familiarize myself with and complete the difficult "homework" that was assigned to us. At the moment, I am very carefully and in depth reading "Self-Reference, Biologic and the Structure of Reproduction". But these are 71 pages, and I have to familiarize myself with more text. However, I already have two topics in mind that I would like us to talk about:
> 1. Multidimensional languages and systems for modeling biological entities and processes.
> 2. Information at the quantum level.
> There will probably be something else...
> With respect,
> Krassimir
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