[Fis] AQI's and Reality of possibilities in superposition in quantum computing

Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov plamen.l.simeonov at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 16:19:54 CET 2025

I think that Joseph pointed to an interesting aspect: of the dependability
between space and time which goes beyond Einstein's SRT.
These two (human world) concepts have been hardly investigated outside the
realms of mathematics and physics.

I am curious how you two would interpret the words of Rudolph Steiner from
about the same time when Minkowski, Lorentz and Einstein put forward their
rigid models of the relative reality:


Berlin, November 7, 1905

Creating dimensions through movement. Transforming a circle into a straight
line. The importance of recent synthetic, projective geometry in
considering space correctly. Space is self-contained. Twists in closed
curves (strips of paper) as an example of intertwining dimensions. In
reality, the movements of the Moon and Earth around the Sun are similarly
intertwined. Enlivening our view of space. Unfolding the cube in a plane
and the tessaract in three-dimensional space. A hexagon is a projection of
a cube; a rhombic dodecahedron is a projection of a tessaract. The
transition to reality. Time, movement, and development as expressions of
the fourth dimension in plants. When time itself becomes alive, sensory
ability emerges as the expression of the fifth dimension in animals. Human

are six-dimensional beings.


Berlin, October 22, 1908

Mathematicians can do no more than discuss the possibility of higher
dimensional space. The cube's three dimensions of length, width, and height.
What is a plane surface? A merely arithmetical transition to higher dimensions
does not lead to reality. Attempting to understand space -- for example,
infinity--on the basis of numbers leads to confusion. Numbers have no
relationship or a neutral relationship to space. Observing repeated
and reappearances points to the existence of a fourth dimension. Refuting a
materialistic argument. Unfolding the boundaries of a square and a cube.
Unfolding the eight cubes of a tessaract.

*Source:* "The Fourth Dimension: Sacred Geometry, Alchemy and Mathematics",
A translation from the German: "Die vierte Dimension: Mathematik und
(Vol. 324a in the Bibliographic Survey).
First published 1995 by Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland.

Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

Published by

Anthroposophic Press

Post Office Box 799

Great Barrington, Massachusetts 01230


As for Lou's lecture, I'll need more time to digest it. I was awed by the
deep symbolics of the slide with the ouroboros.


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