[Fis] Twelve books step by step

Karl Javorszky karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 15:39:45 CET 2025

Dear learned friends,

Someone has asked for guidance on how to do the reordering of 12 books.
They have delivered an example.

Following you find a step by step exercise.
Karl Javorsky’s book ordering exercise – Attempt number one
Author Title
Abraham 1. 3 Demystifying
Avens 2 8 Imagination
Bennett 3 1 Appearing
Forster 4 10 Room
Harris 5 2 Dante
Lipson 6 11 Stairway
McGilchrist 7 12 When
Naydler 8 7 Future
Penrose 9 5 Emperor’s
Rilke 10 4 Duino
Rotman 11 9 Mathematics
Sardello 12 6 Fairy

The books are presently in order Author. We reorder into Title.

So we begin with the topmost

Abraham 1. 3 Demystifying
This needs to go to place 3
On place 3 presently is
Bennett 3 1 Appearing
Abraham comes and pushes Bennett away
Bennett belongs to place 1
Place 1 is presently empty, because we have taken away the book from there.
We place Bennett on place 1 and cry out
Exultate iubilate habemus ciklum! Or Halleluja we got one!
Somewhere we note C: 1, steps 2

Then we proceed with the next book that has not been done yet.

Avens 2 8 Imagination
The 8 means that this book belongs to the place 8.
On place 8 presently is
Naydler 8 7 Future
Here comes Avens and pushes Naydler away.
Naydler belongs to place 7, not because Naydler, but because Future
On place 7 presently is
McGilchrist 7 12 When
Naydler pushes McGilchrist away who goes to place 12
On place 12 presently is
Sardello 12 6 Fairy
McGilchrist pushes Sardello away who goes to place 6
On place 6 presently is
Lipson 6 11 Stairway
Sardello pushes Lipson away who goes to place 11
On place 11 presently is
Rotman 11 9 Mathematics
Lipson pushes Rotman away who goes to place 9
On place 9 presently is
Penrose 9 5 Emperor’s
Rotman pushes Penrose away who goes to place 5
On place 5 presently is
Harris 5 2 Dante
Penrose pushes Harris away who goes to place 2
On place 2 we see that it is empty, because we have started off on cycle 2
from place 2.
Again, hallelujah and hosanna, it has been fulfilled.
Somewhere we write C2, steps 10.

There is a exercise collection of 12 random authors and 12 random titles.
The machine has solved all the reordering. You find it by Google
1000random, research gate, Javorszky.

If you allow, I will circulate this answer in an anonymous form for others.

Best wishes
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