[Fis] Welcome to the Revolutionary Tent
Karl Javorszky
karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Thu Nov 28 06:35:54 CET 2024
Hopefully the Comandante Superior will not object too much for this post
being the 3rd of the week.
Kate, i have uploaded an excel called 1000random. We did this to check the
general habitat of cycles.
One of the learned points is that the most frequent of symbols come first
in an enumeration. In the examples we generate we follow the rule of
beginning left, progressing right. The first name is "a", the first number
is "1". If the k-th cycle is the longest, it will appear automatically in
the summary as the first in frequency. This because as we pick up the i-th
element of any cycle, we always have the highest probability of picking one
that belongs to the longest one of the cycles.
The language i have not changed from the original Hungarian.
This is how you can build a meme using a flashy buxom bosom AI presenter:
Show 12 boxes on a table. Assign to each a random value of "a.. l" and one
random value "1.. 12". (throw dice).
Make Susi begin with one, in chapter 1 "a", in chapter 2 "1".
Let Susi place the object to a new place on a line with 12 places on it.
Proceed 12 times.
Fanfare and trumpet.
Declare that this is Way of Looking At 12 Random Objects Numéro Uno, which
is logically the same as Way of Looking At 12 Random Objects Numéro Due.
Now reorder from Uno into Due.
Stop if you
* begin
* continue
* end
a cycle.
Include dogs that jump up and down, cats that meow etc. The push-away
incidents deserve a "kaboom!", the continuation ones a "yawn", the end a
"hallelujah", the new beginning of a cycle "bereite dich" of Mahler 2nd,
4th mvmt.
Please download 1000 random from my research gate account.
The exercise is custom made for presentation by a robot.
Give the customer a chance to fill out the identification of the objects
(he gives that letter or number to the object as he wishes, if only the
combination is unique. We re-enumerate into a-l and 1-12 for him.
This letter is the last you shall receive from me (in week 48 of 2024).
Katherine Peil <ktpeil at outlook.com> schrieb am Mi., 27. Nov. 2024, 21:19:
> Welcome Karl, and any other humanitarian visionaries, to the revolutionary
> tent. But I warn you the one I inhabit is not for the faint of heart. So
> along with that open invitation, I offer the following:
> Karl your zeal is palpable, and I have long shared in such broad visions.
> To my mind, the current Zeitgeist is far more accommodating than in my
> idealistic youth, and perhaps even poised at a variety of tipping points
> for a new and more complete scientific narrative. This is my hope as I
> assemble the core components of my Tao story. It aims to be an “agent to
> the machine” story – neither ghost driven nor purely deterministic, yet
> wherein subjectivity takes center stage. While this which will require
> some informed speculation, it will address such core (and largely missing)
> theoretical foundations for identity, information, agency, creativity and
> value. Your work will significantly reduce the hand-waving to be done as it
> concerns the roles of natural numbers, iterative algorithms, and geometry -
> both Euclidian and Fractal - in terms of how identity and preference
> manifest in the lawful machinery. I will count on you for that, no pun
> intended.
> But my deeper interest concerns the domain of sematic information, and I
> want to make sure we are on the same page and/or that my view is not too
> radical for your revolutionary palate. To my mind, we literally need a new
> Axial Age, wherein a new common *value system* can unite us as a single
> species sharing one precious biosphere. Our nearly miraculous living
> embodiment has long provided this value system, yet both our science and
> our religion have denigrated and defiled the body, either as fallen or
> driven by outdated animal instinct and selfish genes. My main theme is that
> emotional qualia, via both its evaluative feels and urges to action, are
> the singular source of all semantic information; that emotional sentience
> is directly associated with identity, free will agency, indeterminacy, and
> is central of the common -mathematically precise, law driven - symbolic
> syntax of the regulatory machinery that enables cyclic in-formative and
> trans-formative interactions between both quantum and classical domains. So
> I suppose I need you to demonstrate how and why you are equally sold on my
> framework in terms of emotional sentience ( as set forth here:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.emotionalsentience.com/papers.php__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RNTdfQdW_3OjeBlJxUBcGEAfdWuLP2kgU6VDP1v_paBeqzHBsx6DCOyCfx8ajUM2DM2biwpIluToIvXYmwD0qAcGxz4$
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.emotionalsentience.com/papers.php__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Su0NG5M7wZRteMA_wOIhsnidMr6aTmdphgnp_nPbj0xCzmxKqKOMkrOAXNhPrUwOmyQo3zkkgQjl-F8mXA$>.
> )
> But with that said, I too have singular priority passion for a long
> overdue phase transition in our understanding of the human condition, of
> life itself. I grow weary of both the shackles of reductionist science and
> destructive religious flapdoodle. Indeed, I started a non-profit in the
> late 90s with the goal of establishing a new science-based “religion”, a
> unifying understanding of natural spirituality embodied in the living
> system, with the express mission of the sweeping educational goals you
> describe. I too have talented grandchildren, an artistic 14 year-old
> granddaughter and a math-hungry wizkid grandson (who turned 12 yesterday).
> They have both been raised with emotional self-awareness and steeped in
> music to engage both hemispheres and harbor my faith in the future. I can
> see them both playing roles in our revolution at some point should they be
> naturally inspired. With the recent turn in our American politics, I can
> even see relocating to Europe or to the collectivist East. Indeed, my work
> has had perhaps its best reception in China, well before my recent turn to
> the Tao metaphor.
> But for now, the technology of Zoom and you-tube have proven to be
> instrumental in the call and assembly of the many revolutionaries in my own
> biocentric tent. Some of us are heralding the importance of the
> “Psychosphere”, others what can be learned from anomalous, transpersonal,
> parapsychological, and spiritual experiences; still others the value of
> altered states of consciousness via movement, breathwork, and entheogens.
> Not to mention all the origin of life folks, information theorists, complex
> systems scientists, and hard core physicists from my shared world with Stu.
> Just last night I was invited to participate in a new bio-philosophical
> movement with a Whiteheadian agenda. But I find myself moving to the corner
> of the tent with those honoring our direct subjective experiences over
> academic authority.
> So yes, should you honor the freak flag in my other hand, I’m all for
> leveraging the available technology to begin a more concerted crusade.
> While I meant a simple Zoom recording of you doing the book sorting
> exercise, with your characteristic patience, wisdom and humor, I’m also
> down with the whole you-tube channel thing. We will need some catchy names,
> phrases and mission theme hooks …. so let the heartfelt creativity begin.
> With kindred affection all around,
> [Kung-fu] Kate Kauffman
> On 11/27/24, 9:15 AM, "Fis" <fis-bounces at listas.unizar.es> wrote:
> Katherine Peil Kauffman
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Fis Digest, Vol 116, Issue 27 (Karl Javorszky)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 17:13:59 +0100
> From: Karl Javorszky <karl.javorszky at gmail.com>
> To: Katherine Peil <ktpeil at outlook.com>
> Cc: fis <fis at listas.unizar.es>
> Subject: Re: [Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 116, Issue 27
> Message-ID:
> <
> CA+nf4CX7T4itUZXgNQLiV1-7WqyksmGRWn8deeQbSvDC1cOrVQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Well, Kate and Learned Friends,
> The ice is broken, gentlemen of the jury. We have the first conversion of a
> hesthen to the only actually true set of beliefs, the system of natural
> numbers.
> Comandante Zero and Disciple One plan now to overrun the intellectual
> establishment.
> The plan could not be any better, alas the realization will be somewhat
> tedious. But the effort promises a lot.
> With humans, of whom we count 25% for socio-economic reasons,
> and the guess by labor organizations that around 1 % of workers are in the
> profession of mathematics, one should estimate the number of people with
> teaching material needs, to get the new way of counting becoming
> established, at about 20 million readers.
> The educative device should make noise and business like Rawlings' boy
> Harry Potter.
> In fact, there are several levels of transmitting the message. You
> suggested a you tube channel. Very nice and there is no way avoiding a well
> pictured, graphically and didactically strong libretto.
> My eldest granddaughter is presently making her Matura. She can draw well
> but has no time nor a deep interest in co-drawing a comics about how the
> Accadians were much cooler than the Sumerians. I already saw the beards.
> Gimmie one or two good graphics artists and one or two programmers who can
> draw 3D, and maybe a poet, and we shall deliver a libretto which can be
> adapted for the highbrows and for the folk by the marketing people.
> You would qualify certainly as a poet. The only difficulty is the Atlantic
> Ocean. And the prices. If I had my druthers, we would set up shop eg in
> Sofia. Nice place, daily direct flights, affordable rents and if good
> people are available they cost a fraction of Brussels pay.
> I'd be willing to throw in my own money say 50k ?, but would wish to have
> partners who know how to manage a startup.
> As to keeping being a shy wilting parsley, that is also ok with me.
> Historical changes happen at their own rhythm, but they happen. The next
> generation will be familiar with the fundamental constants, even if for us
> it is unnatural to think 32 and 97 to be equivalent in some important ways.
> You carry now the flag, Kate. Say how you want to proceed.
> Congratulations on having realized the sound of 3 hands clapping.
> This could turn out to be the beginning of lots of work, but nice and
> interesting work.
> With compliments
> Karl
> Katherine Peil <ktpeil at outlook.com> schrieb am Di., 26. Nov. 2024, 20:58:
> > Hi Karl,
> >
> > I too have hoped for the pleasing feedback that suggests you (or anyone)
> > has understood my offerings ? my own lamentations that emotional
> sentience
> > is missing from most perspectives. But it does indeed take significant
> > interest and investment to interpret and communicate across disciplines,
> > which is why I remain hopeful that grounding my own offerings in direct
> > human experience will bear fruit.
> >
> >
> >
> > But I have long honored your generous and patient communications with
> > respectful acts of due diligence to begin grokking your framework
> (reading
> > your papers, conducting book re-sortings etc.) And today, after reading
> > your paper *Liaisons Among Symbols*, I must say ?sold?! I not only see
> > many direct translations ? and enhancements - to my Tao Story, but also
> key
> > tendrils for colleagues that are also interested in quantum
> contextuality,
> > basal intelligence, origins of information, agency, sentience and/or the
> > role of harmonic resonance. I plan to share it widely and hope that is OK
> > by you.
> >
> >
> >
> > As for the feedback you await, I understand much better about emergent
> > cycles and their role in part and whole relationships than I did by
> simply
> > by doing the book sorting exercise without much context. (It might be
> > helpful if you were to create a little You-tube video of you conducting
> and
> > explaining the book sorting exercise for the Learned Friends, as an entre
> > for this spectacular paper.) As for your thing-a-majig metaphor, I once
> > trotted out the idea of an ?I-Wiz? ? a new fandangled piece of Apple
> > technology that could offer optimal, personalized, in-the-moment
> behavioral
> > guidance toward flourishing health, happiness and relational success.
> > (Everything that nature has gifted us with the emotional system!) So
> > whether this resonates with you or not, I see your invention as a unique
> > and central missing component of the ?machinery? and a step toward
> > understanding the required ?agent in the machine?, a framework that puts
> > algorithmic computation and ?information? into all the right
> > self-regulatory context.
> >
> >
> >
> > So the light is on in Kate?s room. I do confess to a bit of apophenia and
> > may be guilty of over-reaching, but I see tremendous promise in how your
> > work can help fill some conspicuous theoretical gaps. I hope to do it
> > justice by building it into my Tao story, but I?m afraid it does relate
> to
> > the quantum realm via creative transitions between micro and macro
> domains.
> > Indeed, I just finished reading Federico Faggin?s *Irreducible, *wherein
> > he postulates a common ?language? (syntax) of symbols between quantum and
> > classical domains, which I highly recommend. But ? fair warning ? he
> takes
> > your assertion that ?the mental construct does exist in nature? to its
> > logical end and might be considered extreme, but his framework cleanly
> > holds both of ours. Way too much more to say, but truly, thank you.
> >
> > With gratitude and evermore admiration,
> >
> > Kate Kauffman
> >
> >
> >
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