[Fis] Acknowledgments

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 11:18:49 CET 2024

Dear Stu,
Thanks for the reply.
I was able to find your lecture and interview on the web and got my
questions answered. I have no more questions for you.
I completely agree with you that "Life is a mystery", but I am convinced
that it will be revealed by another, greater mystery - The Thinking Life!
Therefore, let us follow the wisdom of the Bulgarians, who say:
"The vineyard wants a hoe, it won't a prayer!"
Keep working!

Dear Lou,
Thank you very much for the interesting presentation. Category theory is
yet to become more relevant, especially in the modeling of intellectual
processes and activities.
I have some doubts about using the metaphor of quantum physics to model
Especially considering the drive to break away from the physical paradigm.
It's really strange, on the one hand we don't want physics, and on the
other hand we are firmly attached to the idea of the quantum brain.

Dear Gordana,
Thanks for the very timely idea to discuss some computing issues.
It would be especially interesting to me if there were time and
opportunities to discuss the current state of cognitive computing.

With respect,

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