[Fis] after a text tsunami ...

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 23:19:00 CET 2024

The new week has already started in Bulgaria fifteen minutes ago and I can
write my first post for this week :-) .

Dear Carlos,
Thanks for the reply.
It remains to clarify with you exactly what and where the information is.
THE THING OUTSIDE the brain or its IMAGE IN the brain.
In the second case, your definition of information is incorrect.
However, I should note that the first case is within the scope of GTI, and
the second - of GIT.

Dear Joseph,
Thanks for the interesting texts.
They finally drowned me in a text tsunami :-(
But in this case, I hope my efforts are useful for me too :-)

What did I find out about LIR?

It is a ternary logic with a special condition for the proposition to
change gradually into its negation, the neutral element in logic appearing
only when there is an equinox between the proposition and its negation.
This third element is called a "transition".

To clarify my theoretical statements, I always look for examples or invent
them myself. Here are two examples that came to mind while reading your

1. Seasons: Main statement: "A - it's summer, it's warm". Gradually it
passes into its negation: "-A: it's winter, it's cold". But this does not
happen instantly, but there are long periods of transition from A to -A and
vice versa. These are "it's autumn, we're going from warm to cold" and
"it's spring, we're going from cold to warm". It is these two seasons that
are the T-element of logic.

2. Day and night: Basic statement: "A - it's day, it's light". Gradually it
passes into its negation: "-A: it is night, it is dark". But this does not
happen instantly, but there are periods of transition from A to -A and vice
versa. These are "it's dusk, we're going from light to dark" and "it's
dawn, we're going from dark to light". It is these two transitions that are
the T-elements of logic.

The next thing that was important to clarify is whether "change" and
"reflection" are equivalent concepts. My answer right now is no. Every
reflection is a kind of change, reflections are a class of changes in the
structure or functionality of entities, but not every change is a
An example of a change that is not a reflection is very difficult for me to
point out, as I am not an expert in everything. But it seems to me that the
half-life of radioactive elements is that kind of change. I would probably
put the day-night change in that class as well.

Finally, whether information is a process.
First, information is a reflection, which is a type of change. As much as
changes are processes, information is also a process.
Second, information is a reflection that is recognized by the subject.
Well, the recognition itself, however quick it may be, is not
instantaneous, but is the result of a thought process. But once recognized,
the reflection is static until replaced by another reflection. But it is
this replacement that is constantly flowing through all the subject's
sensors. In that sense, we have a process.
Finally, as long as a categorical diagram of objects and arrows in the
cognitive process has been built, where reflections are objects and their
generation - arrows, one can move to a dual diagram, replacing arrows with
objects and objects with arrows. Thus, we can consider information both
statically and dynamically.

I hope I answered clearly enough.

With respect,

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