[Fis] A digital replica of a real entity is not too far off in the future

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 17:57:22 CET 2024

Dear Pedro and FIS Colleagues,
Your idea of a digital replica of a real entity is not too far off in the
future. We already have synthetic food products like margarine, for
example, and synthetic vaccines have shown that there are no limits in this
direction. We drink synthetic vitamins, we treat ourselves with synthetic
medicines, etc.

Thanks a lot for the good development of the cheese example!
It fully corresponds to my understanding of the concept of "information",
namely - a subjective reflection, which is connected in a mental model,
i.e. "recognized reflection" or "meaningful reflection".

You have shown an important point, namely that subjective reflections can
be associated with different mental models and have different meanings. But
it is also possible that they cannot connect to a mental model and remain
unrecognized data, for example UFOs.

Unfortunately, a number of theories, which consumed a lot of work of their
authors, make fundamental mistakes, such as, for example, either accepting
all kinds of reflections as information and thus rewriting the Theory of
Reflections, or accepting as information the reflected thing, and not its
subjective reflection, as is the case with Carlos's article. His definition
is as follows:
"Notion 1. Information is anything that an agent can sense, perceive, or
Things are things and let them remain so, with their names given so far,
while information is a mental model.

As far as self-reflection is concerned, all mental models are information,
but it is now accepted that mental models stored in long-term memory are
called "knowledge".

Regarding information as a process, I will comment after I get an idea of
what Joseph means in this case.

Dear Joseph,
Could you give me a link to an open access text that presents your ideas or
send me one. I will be very grateful.

With respect,

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