[Fis] The new axioms

Roy Morrison roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 10 18:34:11 CET 2024

Of course from the perspective of human behavior as an ever evolving individual and collective response to circumstances, real and imagined,  is essentially ongoing  emergence of new somethings with enormous coevolutionary import. 
For example, the self-conscious participation of global humanity in pursuit of sustainability with enormous coevolutionary global importance and impact. 
Our greatest scientist noted the Lord does not play dice. But,with all due respect, people certainly do. 
And therefore capable of enormous and potentially healing change like the collective swift navigation of birds in flight, but in the human case abstract behavior with potentially healing global consequences. 
The collective behavior of humanity enabled by chaotic dynamics as our brain has the ability for bringing the welter of unconscious thought into sudden stable conscious reality that can shape collective reality toward world changing  behavior.
Emergent invention is expressed by mechanical, chemical, civil, industrial engineering as well as art, music, theater, literature., dance, play, sport, philosophy, religion, ritual that in sum follows social collective themes and variation.This is the amazing dynamic of conscious living systems.
Systematic collections of axioms to predict and guide collective human behavior are reductionist weak tea.
The world is modeled and distorted by programed algorithms, so called generative AI that,in reality, is anything but intelligent. It is human trained, and fed enormous amounts of data. This is construction of a black box Cliff notes world.
For my new book on Ecological Economic Growth I used an AI device for cover art.It was free . I went through three or four iterations. The first terrible. The second better. The third ok but not great. 
Since what  I wanted existed in my mind less as an image but as an expression of feeling and emergent reality. The AI was fond of sticking lots of plants around the city  Singapore style.But that was only a small part of what I was looking for. That simply did not exist.
I could have continued the number of interactions to get closer to what I wanted, but I was looking for a feeling of a lived reality that of course is an expression of a particular place. The difference between a Seattle and Kansas scene enormous but expressing some common elements.
And I do not have a clear understanding of what ways my imagined ecological civilization would necessarily look different at a distance. 
The AI was a tool that had an enormous amounts of data to copy and adapt. But what I was looking for does not yet exist and is beyond the algorithmic world.That's the point. We are capable to bring to individual and collective consciousness something new under the sun.
What is interesting in my new book is a focus on monetizing ecological value. Using a regulatory asset based on the displacement of carbon dioxide emissions by renewables. Ecological Value monetized on the basis of social cost of carbon dioxide now $170 a metric ton  of carbon dioxide. This is monetized on the basis of measured renewable energy generation turned to money on the books of banks as paid in capital and as cash. The regulatory asset named as Sustainability Credit. 
The money created by SC to be used by banks for investment in more renewables. The ordinary magic of banks is that a bank  loans $10 for each dollar of own capital. Each $1 of DC cash on books of banks becomes $10 in loans for renewables Current 37 gigatons of global fossil fuels emissions represents potential $60 trillion a year for productive renewable investment and global mitigation of climate catastrophe.
What is interesting is that SCs are not a tax. Do not raise prices. Represent shared benefit for all from climate mitigation. Can easily used to help make energy users energy owners and have a seat at table to shape the renewable energy future and make renewable energy and sustainability the high profit center of the 21st century.
It is the reality of markets as externality machines and protecting  the profit of mega polluters that keeps our eyes closed and our economy on the path to self-destruction. But the times are changing.it's up to all of us.

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