[Fis] Can We Go Beyond the Limits of Formal Systems?

Karl Javorszky karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 17:23:08 CET 2024

The formal systems are tools to structure perception with. Our counting,
reasoning, self=certifying rational model of the world is like a headset
into a virtual reality the rules of which we have learnt since childhood.

The formal systems we use are our culture. We cannot simply take off the
viewer apparatus and see the world as a newborn. That experiment would hit
the cns too hard.

Being completely discultured allows looking completely new structures into
the world.
(example : depraved child squints in order to maintain neuronal necessity
of processing anything. Questions : a. Are the 2 pictures different, b. Is
it information how and how much the 2 pictures caused by squinting are

The paradigm change relates indeed to the limits of formal systems. That
one which was introduced by the Sumerians has reached the limits of its
utility. Everything that can be said by using 1 unit and multiples thereof
has been already said or could be said easily.

The general idea is in peril. We have to admit that it is useless to
fabricate more models that use 1 degree of similarity and diversity in
monocaustic, monoperspectivist assemblies.

The duality comes back to the intellectual arena. We have to learn to count
in stereo.

The end of the formal systems comes as we say:
1. Learn to conceptually accept that the 2 squinting representations of a
picture are PRIOR to the unified one,
2. Take off your helmet. What it channels are two strands of one stream.
That is not stereo. Stereo is when you perceive by two sensory organs and
you do the integrating.

Duality is more archaic than uniformity. It has its own rules. Neurology
processes signals based on contrasts, similarity and diversity. She does
well so, because the basic mathematics of counting '=' before a background
of '/=' is different to the counting of '/=' before a background of '='.

As it happens, there is a paper of 26 pages called Update on a + b = c.


The paper gives a down to earth tour d'horizon about formal systems and how
to use the same old formal system in non-traditional ways. It's a piece of
cake, really.

There is nothing non-respectful in making dots on planes from ranks in
sequences, and from planes the construction of Descartes spaces is also an
activity for a Sunday School.

Yet, the murmuring voice in the headset "this is the correct reality and
there is only one reality and it is completely and absolutely congruent
within itself" is throwing a deep punch against the ability to think.

We approach and in fact present the idea of being otherwise and diverse.

If something goes against the grains of Sumerians, then such ideas.

That sits extremely deep. Good luck with unsolving childhood associations

Try it by brain power. Force yourself by insight to reorder 12 books on
your table, even if it is a viscerally revolting task. Unlearning childhood
certainties is a complicated business.

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