[Fis] (no subject)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Görnitz
goernitz at em.uni-frankfurt.de
Mon Dec 30 09:59:28 CET 2024
Dear All,
I would like to start by wishing everyone a healthy, successful and
hopefully more peaceful new year.
Now a few comments from me on the current contributions, regarding
information and meaning.
Natural science seeks rules and laws for the processes in nature.
However, due to the expansion of the cosmos, there are never two
completely identical situations. For an individual case, however, the
idea of a rule is meaningless.
Rules require similarity, laws require – not only in jurisprudence – equality.
Similarity and equality arise from sweeping what appears to be
insignificant in the situations under consideration under the carpet.
Changes to inanimate matter require the expenditure of energy, but
living things can also be influenced by meaningful information.
Scientific explanation starts from simple structures to explain
complicated structures.
Chemistry explains the biochemical basis of life. Quantum mechanics
provides the theoretical basis for chemistry.
The simplest quantum structures that are mathematically possible have
only a two-dimensional state space. It therefore makes sense to call
them quantum bits.
The particles of quantum mechanics and, with that, the quantum field
theories can be constructed from these structures.
This means that matter can be understood as a special form of such
quantum bits.
It has been known for some time that quantum theory relativizes
distinctions that are important for everyday life. E=mc^2 shows the
equivalence of matter with motion, i.e. with one of its properties.
The distinction between force and matter is reduced to the distinction
between fermions and bosons, which can be converted into one another
under certain conditions.
These quantum structures with a two-dimensional Hilbert space are to
be thought of as absolute and completely abstract, not as properties
of a material or energetic structure. I call them AQIs.
The AQIs form matter, energy, as well as the properties of matter and energy.
Life only emerged relatively late in the development of the cosmos,
and only for living things can something become meaningful.
Quoting Karl Javorszky <karl.javorszky at gmail.com>:
> Again, one wonders.
> Marcus writes:
> you also invoke ‘meaning’ which is notoriously difficult to define – where
> do you clearly define meaning?
> There is a perfectly valid definition of meaning available for all who
> have access to the FIS list.
> The last time this définition was shared with the Learned Friends was 21
> days ago, 9th December 2024, in a letter to Xueshan.
> *Information has been defined (eg Liaisons Among Symbols) as the totality
> of ∆ (n?, n!).*
> *Meaning has been defined (op. cit.) as the relation of a context to at
> least one of the Central Elements.*
Prof. Dr. Thomas Görnitz
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J. W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
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