[Fis] (no subject)

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 00:18:49 CET 2024

Dear Jason,

You have offered many ideas.

I will try to discuss each of them, but due to the holidays, I will keep my
answers short.

1. Would it be better if information = data * meaning?

The main problem here is that it is possible to have a case where there is
no data received, but it is relevant to the Subject (Infos). For example,
if a drone loses contact with the controller, i.e., receives no data, it
automatically executes a return to the starting point program. Or, if
you're standing at a traffic light and it's not working, i.e. you do not
receive data, you will take action to cross the intersection as if there is
no traffic light. In other words, no data is data.

Therefore, the additive option (information = data + meaning) is the right

2. d1 is "a desire to know," d2 is "result of knowing," Information is
therefore manufactured, or an emergence, of the loop of inquiry, which is a
capacity that the Creator installed within us

Here we have a certain discrepancy in the understanding of the process of
information formation. According to the General Information Theory (GIT),
information is data that corresponds to the so-called "information
expectation", which is actually a predictive mental model. Depending on the
closeness of the data to this model, we have corresponding quantity and
quality of information. This recognition is done in the temporary memory of
Infos. A small part of the data recognized as information is stored in
long-term memory, i.e. become remembered as a new or a renewed mental model

So, the information is not based on “difference” but on “proximity”!

And, if the Infos could not generate information expectation, the incoming
data remain as unrecognized data. So, the “information” here is a
“standard” one that the data is not recognized. For example - UFOs.

3. Russell Ackoff's formula:

Data (measurement result) < Information < Knowledge < Understanding <

Within the GIT we have another order:

Data -> Recognition (i.e. understanding) -> Information -> Knowledge.

Wisdom, in my opinion, is not in that order. It is the ability to use our
knowledge in a complex way to generate predictive mental models, i.e. the
similar process as with data, based on internal processing of memorized

4. Theory of Systems and Maturana (Thank you for such a greeting card!).

Chilean biologist Humberto Maturana Romesín is well known as one of the
people who helped develop cybernetics.

Specifically, I would note that in Theory of Systems instead of
"organization" concepts such as "functionality" and "relations with the
environment" are invoked.

5. Finally, on Gregory Bateson's slogan and its implications.

Marcin Schröder describes the situation well in his 2017 article (
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mdpi.com/2504-3900/1/3/221__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!WsNT91UnjE0eZQUZxplx2JP4RMeb6CHaSN6J_Dwwqxo-BSpqXGAwyZrl_XiwVleQqxfNK6UfVOh08scr3AI$  ). I won't repeat it here, but I
will note that I think so too.

In addition, I think that Bateson's slogan is popular mainly because of the
concept of "larger mind" that he had used (
, p.461). Possibly, the believers take it as proof of the existence of God,
but in fact it is an insult to religion, because, as it is written in the
Holy Books, God is everywhere, not only in the minds of people and the
artifacts of their informational interaction.

6. The New Year Lecture will take place in the FIS list.

Happy and successful New Year!

With respect,


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