[Fis] Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science.

Christophe Menant christophe.menant at hotmail.fr
Mon Dec 16 15:42:56 CET 2024

Dear Krassimir and Fisers,
In addition to these interesting ideas, can we consider the concept of information as existing without the one of meaning? Putting aside metaphysics and trends to increasing complexity, information and meaning exist together as related to some usage by an agent, natural or artificial.
Could’nt we consider « meaning » as a foundation of « information » and try to define them together ? (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://philpapers.org/rec/MENITA-7__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VsL3oww_aG5sJsdYMm64UJVNWFZxWaKRkNu1po7rdZ02UpPUsbexnqWMYWCRm4lAKIpM-p1P0O454MuwbHZ5R7FIQ5WJAIJq$ )
All the best

De : Fis <fis-bounces at listas.unizar.es> de la part de Krassimir Markov <itheaiss at gmail.com>
Envoyé : lundi 16 décembre 2024 03:49
À : fis <fis at listas.unizar.es>
Objet : Re: [Fis] Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science.

Dear Xueshan,

Regarding your question in section

Cloud 2. Brain Informatics or Animal Informatics:

Can we assume that there are as many types of animal informatics as there are animal species?

I would like to note that there must obviously be a difference in the models that we build for different animal species, since the structure of the brain differs, for example, there is a neocortex in mammals, while in other animals it is not.

A very important distinguishing feature of humans, in relation to other animals, is the presence of writing and specific only to humans written information interaction, part of which is this letter.

There is no other animal that uses e-mail :-) !!!

In connection with

Cloud 5. Exploration of Fundamental Information Science

and your question: Does Fundamental Information Science (FIS) exist at all?

I would like to note that at the moment I do not see a clear definition of FIS as an independent science, but in my opinion it is possible that such a scientific direction will appear in the future.

The interdisciplinarity that exists within our community prevents the formation of a relatively separate direction.

This is also evident from the discussions in the FIS list, which are usually superficial without the possibility of in-depth insight into the problems, due to the unpreparedness of the audience regarding the necessary special knowledge on each of the discussed issues, as well as the unwillingness of the presenters to answer “simple” questions, which leads to a huge burden on the listeners, who need to deal with tons of specialized literature from new areas for them.

I consider it an inappropriate approach to say a few words and throw a list of literature for “acquaintance” at the reader!

At the same time, small teams of highly qualified scientists who have in-depth knowledge of more than one or two scientific directions would achieve significant success. This is evidenced by a number of publications whose authors are part of well-prepared interdisciplinary teams.

I will refrain from commenting on Cloud 3, as I am not an expert in the field of genetics, as well as Cloud 1 and Cloud 4 for the opposite reason. The latter requires a long conversation and small comments would do more harm than help to clarify the issues. For me, they are of particular importance, which is also evident from the main theme of the IS4SI Summit 2025: “The Key Role of Information Interaction” (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://is4si.org/summit-2025/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VsL3oww_aG5sJsdYMm64UJVNWFZxWaKRkNu1po7rdZ02UpPUsbexnqWMYWCRm4lAKIpM-p1P0O454MuwbHZ5R7FIQ9k51HVs$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://is4si.org/summit-2025/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TdrWSw6KLuOFyYhAWXj-5GOp3i80kymnaej420hAyORTgf5T6vU34In2sg0Omx7L-756LSyRJPgaNfDE6vI$>).

With respect,

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