[Fis] Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science

Prof. Dr. Thomas Görnitz goernitz at em.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu Dec 5 21:55:03 CET 2024

Dear all,
I would like to add a few comments about Cloud 5.
If information is indeed the fundamental entity, an opinion I share,  
then it is necessary to tie it to the natural sciences and especially  
to physics as their foundation. That is why I have been developing the  
consequences of a theory of abstract quantum information, AQIs, as a  
new basis for physics for a long time.
The basis of physics is provided by quantum theory. Its essential aspects are:
1. Quantum theory is the physics of the precise. Only when it really  
has to be or becomes very precise does quantum theory come into play.
2. Quantum theory is so precise that it can grasp that mere  
possibilities can produce real actions.
This concerns such possibilities that cannot be imagined as unknown  
facts, as in classical probability theory. In our everyday behavior,  
it is natural for us to also be influenced by pure possibilities, that  
is, by possibilities that have not yet become unknown facts.
3. Possibilities combine multiplicatively. This corresponds to the  
fact that in quantum theory, the state space of a complex system is  
constructed by the tensor product of the state spaces of those parts  
that combine to form the complex system.
The explanatory principle of science is to construct complex systems  
from simple systems. Due to the tensor product, in quantum theory the  
system as a whole has many more new and different properties than the  
sum of the parts from which it was constructed.
This mathematical explanation of the New and Different no longer makes  
it necessary to use the concept of emergence for the transition to  
something new.
A quantum particle has a countably infinite-dimensional state space  
and a quantum field has an uncountably infinite-dimensional state  
space. This obviously has nothing to do with simplicity.
The simplest possible quantum structure has a two-dimensional state  
space. Something simpler is impossible.
So far, a two-dimensional state space is usually assigned to a  
property of a quantum particle, e.g. its spin or polarization.
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker was the first to point out the  
possibility of constructing quantum particles from – as we would  
formulate it today – quantum bits with his theory of Ur-alternatives,  
which he developed in the 1960s, based primarily on philosophical  
In 1972, Weizsäcker put forward the thesis that a proton is 10^40 Ure,  
i.e. quantum bits.
Weizsäcker used the term information in the way it is generally used,  
as something that has a meaning. He rejected an absolute concept of  
However, this overlooks the fact that in cosmic evolution, meaning can  
exist for the first time for the first living beings. Before the  
existence of life, there are forces, but for planets or stars, nothing  
has meaning.
Meaning always has a large subjective component, but physics aims at  
the objective.
In 1980, Weizsäcker had also invited John A. Wheeler to the 4th  
conference on the Ur-Theory and its consequences. Wheeler spoke there  
about “The Elementary Quantum Act as Higgledy-Piggledy Building  
Mechanism.” In 1990, Wheeler then gave a lecture with the title “It  
from Bit”, which is still very advertising-effective today.
A crucial step for the later successes was to become even more  
abstract than Weizsäcker.
The simplest structure must also be the one with the lowest energy.  
According to Max Planck's formula E = hc / λ, it must therefore have  
the maximum expansion. The simplest, an AQI, is therefore not a small  
particle or anything spatially tiny, but a cosmically extended  
structure. Only 10^41 of them can form something as localized as a  
Since “information” in normal language use is always understood as  
laden with meaning, it has proven useful to introduce a new term for  
this form of abstract and absolute quantum bits, for the AQIs:  
“protyposis”, “that which is pre-embossed”.
Since one can certainly not imagine anything under this term, one  
cannot develop any misconceptions with it.
Matter itself and also the properties and forms of matter are special  
formations of AQIs. They can be transmitted between sender and  
receiver by photons, which are also structures made of AQIs.
Properties can become significant information for living beings by  
causing actions.
This is certainly understandable.
A lot of research work has been done since Weizsäcker's beginnings. It  
was shown how the particles of relativistic quantum mechanics can be  
constructed from quantum bits in Minkowski space without and with rest  
mass. [1][1], [2][2]
· It was explained why the gauge interactions of the electromagnetic,  
weak and strong interactions have the precise groups U(1), SU(2) and  
SU(3). [3][3], [4][4]
· A cosmological model was also developed. [5][5], [6][6] For this, it  
was shown that with the abstract and still meaning-free quantum bits,  
AQIs, the phenomena for which inflation, dark energy and dark matter  
were invented either do not exist or can be explained. [7][7]
The many particles that have been invented for these three postulates  
have so far eluded all observation and experiment.
Such a new scientific understanding of matter and also of quantum  
information has made it possible to explain consciousness in a  
scientific way.
The brain is the tool necessary for the generation of consciousness.  
Consciousness is a structure of AQIs that can appear as the entangled  
properties of entangled photons localized in a living brain.  
Consciousness acquires its meanings in the course of biological  
evolution and individual development.
Now, with the AQIs, it has also become understandable that  
consciousness can produce real actions on the brain and, through it,  
on the rest of the body. [8][8], [9][9], [10][10]
An overview of this theory as it stood in 1985 is available in German  
and in the translation of Weizsäcker's work “Aufbau der Physik”.  
[11][11] A more up-to-date summary is available in English in a  
Springer Essentials. [12][12]
A detailed description of the mathematical structure and the  
philosophy of quantum theory and its implications for our  
understanding of life and consciousness exists in German. [13][13] An  
English translation is in preparation.
In summary, I can state once again:
The simplest quantum structure for mathematical reasons, an AQI, has a  
two-dimensional state space. Because of this mathematical structure,  
it is often referred to as a quantum bit, although it is not yet  
information in the sense of meaning.
But the AQIs develop both material objects as well as their  
properties. Properties of objects and structures can become meaningful  
information for living beings. Structures of meaningful information  
are ultimately also the thoughts in our consciousness.
This touches on CLOUD 1 AND CLOUD 2. Properties of DNA form the  
behavioral recipes for all life forms – CLOUD 3.

   [1][14] Görnitz T, Graudenz D, Weizsäcker C F v (1992) Quantum  
Field Theory of Binary Alternatives, Intern. J. Theoret. Phys. 31,  
   [2][15]  Görnitz T, Schomäcker U (2012) Quantum Particles From  
Quantum Information, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 380, 012025  
   [3][16] Görnitz T (2014) Simplest quantum structures and the  
foundation of interaction, Rev. in Theoretical Science, 2, 289-300
   [4][17] Görnitz T, Schomäcker U (2016) The structures of  
interactions – How to explain the gauge groups U(1), SU(2) and SU(3),  
Found. Sci., https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-016-9507-6__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VbaA9voYOzhnze2gnBTM-N-nc1ffgu3GcC-u5wwVf6CLk9qKOp8zWd7fC-h-YMwO3fyTAnF5LL42TD7q4904dq2wS2GNGw$ 
   [5][18] Görnitz T (1988) Abstract Quantum Theory and  
Space-Time-Structure, Part I, Ur-Theory, Space-Time-Continuum and  
Bekenstein-Hawking-Entropy, Intern. Journ. Theoret. Phys. 27, 527–542.
   [6][19] Görnitz T (1988) On Connections between Abstract Quantum  
Theory and Space-Time-Structure, Part II, A Model of cosmological  
evolution, Intern. Journ. Theoret. Phys. 27, 659–666.
   [7][20] Görnitz T, Schomäcker U (2021) Quantumbit Cosmology  
explains Effects of Rotation Curves of Galaxies, Foundations of  
Science, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-021-09808-y__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VbaA9voYOzhnze2gnBTM-N-nc1ffgu3GcC-u5wwVf6CLk9qKOp8zWd7fC-h-YMwO3fyTAnF5LL42TD7q4904dq1vTndCbg$ 
   [8][21] Görnitz T (1999) Quanta sind anders/Die verborgene Einheit  
der Welt, Heidelberg, Spektrum
   [9][22] Görnitz T, Görnitz B (2002, 2006, 2013) Der kreative  
Kosmos/Geist und Materie aus Quanteninformation, Heidelberg, Spektrum
   [10][23] Görnitz T, Görnitz B (2016) From Quantum Physics to  
Consciousness/Cosmos, Mind and Matter, Heidelberg, Springer
   [11][24] Weizsäcker C F v (1985) Aufbau der Physik, Hanser Verlag, Munich,
English (2006) by Görnitz T, Lyre H (Eds) The Structure of Physics,  
Springer, Dordrecht,
   [12][25] Görnitz T, Görnitz B (2018) Protyposis – an introduction /  
Consciousness and Matter from Quantum Information, DAS NEUE DENKEN,  
Munich, free download:  
   [13][26] Görnitz T (2024) Understanding Quantum Theory / basic  
ideas and concepts, 2nd ed, Hanser, Munich

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Görnitz

Privat (für Postsendungen):
Karl-Mangold-Str. 13
D-81245 München
Tel: 0049-89-887746

Fachbereich Physik
J. W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
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