Karl Javorszky
karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 13:16:03 CET 2023
In this session we have learnt about the different understandings of
intelligence in technical and in biologic contexts.
Information processing in biology happens on the basis of comparisons,
gradation of contrasts. The idealised, non gradated, form of the contrast,
0,1, is in use in the technical sciences.
The paradigm change concerns the central idea that the symbols set does
within itself contain a contrast.
Method changes relate to the algorithms one uses which utilise the inbuilt
contrasts that are a feature of the symbol set.
Some didactic encouragements were offered to ease the process of learning
the use of the algorithms that thematise contrasts which arise from the
fact that members of the symbol set are such as they are.
After one will have mastered the algorithms that go back to cycles that go
back to sequences, one will be able to conduct the calculations that
explain e.g. the effects referred to in https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15125__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RLMMniWSGmmDwieSgJBq0m1g4H3TleUiDoNS5pCh9sTZhVUNS9q4ip1P3o1oAHK3XwV3z6Fk4n_BJgqmfwaZpMuzev0$
All in all, a further step in the long march towards gaining an integrated
concept of information.
Thank you.
Marcus Abundis <55mrcs en gmail.com> schrieb am Di., 28. Nov. 2023, 09:38:
> Dear all,
> I sadly note the closure of this session, while I am also a bit unhappy
> about this. But cannot truly disagree with the decision. Still, why should
> I be unhappy? I feel there is MUCH more to explore. For example:
> — twice I asked Eric for further detail on his 1991 paper (first in my 24
> October post), which seems like it should offer significant interesting
> material for further discussion ('underpinning' his main view).
> — Yixin's latest post mentions
> > (the information ecological process produced by subject-object
> interaction) <
> where I do not recall seeing detail on that process . . . but which also
> would be of immense interest.
> Well, such is the present situation . . . and I look forward to further
> closing posts.
> Eric and Yixin — if you can offer specific links for these topics, to
> further clarify your meaning, I would be very grateful!
> Thanks for your work and your contributions!!
> Marcus
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