[Fis] emotions

konstantin lidin lidinkl at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 2 14:55:36 CET 2023

Thank you, Howard.

You are absolutely right, emotions are a powerful tool for understanding a person and the world. Unfortunately, they are very little studied (much less than cognitions) and mostly remain in the realm of the unconscious. The concept of "emotional intelligence" is often found in the scientific literature, but it most often means only the skill of recognizing basic emotions by the facial expression of the interlocutor. Obviously, this is absolutely not enough. As a result, emotions are often perceived as some kind of "demons" that prevent a person from thinking clearly and acting rationally, and from which it is desirable to get rid of altogether.
This is very strange and inconvenient, especially considering the huge role that emotions play in people's behavior and in the economy. We rarely realize how much the price of emotions occupies in the consumer price of our everyday purchases. Here is an illustration - the price of coffee in its "natural" form, then the price of coffee preparation services, and then the price with the addition of prestige emotions (a fashion brand brings valuable emotions from the "joy - pride" group).
In our daily life, spending on emotions accounts for about 90% of all expenses, and the richer the country, the greater this share

From: Howard Bloom <howlbloom at aol.com>
Sent: 02 March 2023 09:29
To: lidinkl at hotmail.com <lidinkl at hotmail.com>; 13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com <13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com>
Cc: fis at listas.unizar.es <fis at listas.unizar.es>; roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com <roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Fis] emotions

excellent point on the importance of emotions.  and on the commercial sale of emotions.

i suspect that emotions are our fastest form of information processing.  in other words, they have a wisdom of their own.

with warmth and oomph--howard

-----Original Message-----
From: konstantin lidin <lidinkl at hotmail.com>
To: Francesco Rizzo <13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com>
Cc: fis at listas.unizar.es <fis at listas.unizar.es>; Roy Morrison <roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wed, Mar 1, 2023 1:53 pm
Subject: Re: [Fis] emotions

Dear Francesco,
indeed, it is difficult to understand such difficult ideas from such a brief message.

For my part, I can add that emotions are a very popular commodity. For example, tourism is the sale of emotions of the "interest" group. Gambling is an industry of emotions of the group "excitement, risk". Cinema produces and sells emotions of a wide range, from "joy - pride" (comedies, family films) to "disgust" (horror and punk films), and so on. All these are market sectors with a turnover of hundreds of billions of USD per year.
Note also that positive emotions (for example, such a kind of "joy - pride" emotions as prestige) often make up a significant part of wages in some areas.
Unfortunately, emotions are still not taken into account in most economic models.
From: Francesco Rizzo <13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com>
Sent: 01 March 2023 23:49
To: konstantin lidin <lidinkl at hotmail.com>
Cc: fis at listas.unizar.es <fis at listas.unizar.es>; Roy Morrison <roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Fis] emotions

Dear Konstantin,
I would like to make the following contribution: in my new economy it is not necessary to separate humanitarian information and natural information, since I adopt a single trans-information process based on the 3 surpluses or thermodynamic, genetic and semiotic-hermeneutic information; that is, a theory of value underlying a single piece of information, consisting in giving or taking shape, measurable in bits of entropy (in natural-rational information and in neg-entropy (in emotional-human communication). So that the flow of information related to emotion, can give rise to what I call emo-rationality. Thank you! Do I have to apologize for my (non) simplicity?Francesco

Caro Konstantin,
desidero dare il seguente contributo: nella mia economia nuova non è necessario separare l'informazione
umanitaria e l'informazione naturale, poiché adotto un unico processo di tras-informazione basato sui 3
surplus o informazione termodinamica, genetica e  semiotico-ermeneutica; cioè una teoria del valore sottesa
da un'unica informazione, consistente nel dare o nel  prendere forma, misurabile in bit di entropia (nella
informazione natural-razionale e in neg-entropia (nella comu  nicazione emozional-umana). Sicchè il flusso di
informazioni connesse all'emozione, può dar luogo a quella che io chiamo emo-ra-zionalità.
Grazie! Dobbo scusarmi per la mia (non) sempicità?

Il giorno mer 1 mar 2023 alle ore 09:11 konstantin lidin <lidinkl at hotmail.com<mailto:lidinkl at hotmail.com>> ha scritto:
the calculation of the amount of information contained in one human personality is based on the following considerations:
the number of nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule is 3.2 billion. Each base contains two bits of information. In total, the amount of information in one DNA molecule is about a gigabyte (10^9);
all cells of the human body are different and, therefore, the information in each cell does not coincide with the information in other cells. Therefore, the amount of information in the body needs to be multiplied by the number of cells - about 10 ^ 14;
the total is 10 ^ 23 bytes, that is, one hundred zettabytes. Even considering that 99% of cellular information is repeated, the amount of unique information in a living organism is zettabytes. It is the amount of information per unit of mass that is the fundamental difference between a living organism and an inanimate one.

Our model can be useful for the study of intrapsychic processes. Unfortunately, the format of a short message does not allow us to fully describe all the results obtained over twenty-five years of development of this model.
You are absolutely right; the human personality is complex enough that its individual fragments can experience different emotions at the same time. A person can simultaneously experience fear of a shark, tenderness and trust in it, sadness from his loneliness in the middle of an endless ocean, and so on.

The role of hormones and neurotransmitters in the movement of information through the nervous system has not been sufficiently studied.  The processes occurring in the synaptic cleft are associated with the adaptation of the nervous system to the nature of the flow of information. The balance of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft corresponds to the characteristics of the information flow - for example, adrenaline promotes the passage of chaotic flows (emotion "fear"), and gamma-aminobutyric acid "adjusts" the nervous system to weak information flows (sadness).
Rapid and strong changes in the balance of neurotransmitters correspond to "emotional storms", which is so characteristic of young poets...
From: Roy Morrison <roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com<mailto:roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com>>
Sent: 01 March 2023 06:54
To: fis at listas.unizar.es<mailto:fis at listas.unizar.es> <fis at listas.unizar.es<mailto:fis at listas.unizar.es>>; konstantin lidin <lidinkl at hotmail.com<mailto:lidinkl at hotmail.com>>
Subject: Re: [Fis] emotions


I powerful and important take on emotions as experience of information flow.

Really appreciate "In turn, we understand information as a structural aspect of the existence of matter, along with the inertial aspect (substance) and the dynamic aspect (energy). We believe that information is no less material than matter and energy. "


"The total amount of information contained on all media in all libraries, archives and other repositories of mankind is about a zettabyte (10^23 bits). About the same amount of information contains one human personality."

    From my experience as a lunatic, ok as a neurotic, the complexity of emotion is complicated by issues of  what is conscious/ repressed/ unconscious.

Your model making distinctions between Order-Chaos and Weak flow- Intense Flow does not fully explain issues of unconscious roiling repression this is driven in part by hormonal emotional activation and repression. At the same time I recognize the common and shared emotional expression we share across species.

Watching video of a fisherman who saved a great white shark trapped it nets. The shark keep returning to the fishman's small boat for days. Shark rolled on her? back next to his boat so he could spoke her belly to her great pleasure.Evolutionary we share  common emotional expression and the similar brain chemicals.


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