[Fis] Fwd: Re: THE ROOTS OF MODERN CIVILISATION- Joseph on Koichiro

Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov plamen.l.simeonov at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 01:30:02 CET 2023

Here are my 2 cents, Joe.



On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 11:45 AM joe.brenner at bluewin.ch <
joe.brenner at bluewin.ch> wrote:

> Dear Koichiro, Dear Pedro and All,
> Happy New Year!
> Herewith my gloss on Koichiro's note:
> Time is already implicit in logic.
> JEB:  and hence need have no "independent" existence, assuming it exists.
There is also temporal logic. Some kinds of logic have it implicit, others,

> For instance, the principle of the excluded middle admitting no
> intermediaries between an assertion (A) and its negation (non-A) exactly at
> the same time may dismiss the likelihood of time as an agency of changes.
> On the other hand, the real dynamics relating (A) to (non-A), if ever
> likely, must be about changes in time.
> JEB: No, just changes in energy. There is plenty of spacetime between one
> part of a real phenomenon and the "next" one.

> Time could then be agential even in the Western tradition. Time qualified
> as an agency of changes may survive once the stipulation of observing the
> principle of the excluded middle happens to be suspended.
> JEB: A semantic A/non-A duality is timeless,

in classical logic, but not in temporal logic where time operators define
the sequence of actions.

> and an empty Excluded Middle always falls out of the picture.
> To put it differently, enforcing too much of shareable civilization may
> ruin the potential latent in time. That is an abstraction.
> JEB: if you talk in terms of time yes. But if you look at the potential as
> latent in reality, this is very close to the way things work. The concept
> of shareabilty is excellent.
> Best,
> Joseph
> ----Original Message----
> From : cxq02365 at nifty.com
> Date : 08/01/2023 - 05:17 (E)
> To : plamen.l.simeonov at gmail.com, fis at listas.unizar.es
> Friday, January 6, 2023 8:49 PM, Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov wrote: "Let us
> focus on a fascinating period in human history and find out how the Western
> world was rebuilt and reintegrated from the ruins of the Roman Empire."
>    This observation reveals how successfully the Western civilization
> could have been going through rough times. It witnesses that development of
> a civilization may necessitate a pretty stable and shareable referent
> available to each civilized participant residing there. One example of such
> a referent is time.
>    Time is already implicit in logic. For instance, the principle of the
> excluded middle admitting no intermediaries between an assertion (A) and
> its negation (non-A) exactly at the same time may dismiss the likelihood of
> time as an agency of changes. On the other hand, the real dynamics relating
> (A) to (non-A), if ever likely, must be about changes in time. Time could
> then be agential even in the Western tradition. Time qualified as an agency
> of changes may survive once the stipulation of observing the principle of
> the excluded middle happens to be suspended. To put it differently,
> enforcing too much of shareable civilization may ruin the potential latent
> in time. That is an abstraction.
>    Best,
>    Koichiro
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