[Fis] Fwd: Re: THE ROOTS OF MODERN CIVILISATION- Joseph on Koichiro

joe.brenner at bluewin.ch joe.brenner at bluewin.ch
Sun Jan 8 11:45:04 CET 2023

Dear Koichiro, Dear Pedro and All,

Happy New Year!

Herewith my gloss on Koichiro's note:

Time is already implicit in logic. 
JEB:  and hence need have no "independent" existence, assuming it exists.

For instance, the principle of the excluded middle admitting no intermediaries between an assertion (A) and its negation (non-A) exactly at the same time may dismiss the likelihood of time as an agency of changes. On the other hand, the real dynamics relating (A) to (non-A), if ever likely, must be about changes in time. 
JEB: No, just changes in energy. There is plenty of spacetime between one part of a real phenomenon and the "next" one. 

Time could then be agential even in the Western tradition. Time qualified as an agency of changes may survive once the stipulation of observing the principle of the excluded middle happens to be suspended. 
JEB: A semantic A/non-A duality is timeless, and an empty Excluded Middle always falls out of the picture.

To put it differently, enforcing too much of shareable civilization may ruin the potential latent in time. That is an abstraction.
JEB: if you talk in terms of time yes. But if you look at the potential as latent in reality, this is very close to the way things work. The concept of shareabilty is excellent. 


----Original Message----
>From : cxq02365 at nifty.com
Date : 08/01/2023 - 05:17 (E)
To : plamen.l.simeonov at gmail.com, fis at listas.unizar.es

Friday, January 6, 2023 8:49 PM, Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov wrote: "Let us focus on a fascinating period in human history and find out how the Western world was rebuilt and reintegrated from the ruins of the Roman Empire."

   This observation reveals how successfully the Western civilization could have been going through rough times. It witnesses that development of a civilization may necessitate a pretty stable and shareable referent available to each civilized participant residing there. One example of such a referent is time. 

   Time is already implicit in logic. For instance, the principle of the excluded middle admitting no intermediaries between an assertion (A) and its negation (non-A) exactly at the same time may dismiss the likelihood of time as an agency of changes. On the other hand, the real dynamics relating (A) to (non-A), if ever likely, must be about changes in time. Time could then be agential even in the Western tradition. Time qualified as an agency of changes may survive once the stipulation of observing the principle of the excluded middle happens to be suspended. To put it differently, enforcing too much of shareable civilization may ruin the potential latent in time. That is an abstraction.


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