[Fis] World Logic Day & Entropy as Degrees of Freedom
Pedro C. Marijuán
pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 12:31:53 CET 2023
Thanks for the question, Marcus. Actually it is part of standard
approaches to entropy. A light search on google will repeat in different
/Any increase of entropy is an increase in the number of degrees of
freedom over which the given energy is distributed/
//My students were instructed in considering chemical bonds as actual
instances restricting molecular degrees of freedom (easier for
understanding protein folding and enzyme function in relation with
entropy changes in "vicinal water"--part of enzymic "tricks"), etc. etc.
El 04/01/2023 a las 1:41, Marcus Abundis escribió:
> Joe – Further to Malcolm's note . . . I too cannot find any link for
> your planned talk, nor does a Google search offer anything useful.
> Pedro – I recall you mentioning once on this FIS forum (I paraphrase):
> 'My students found degrees-of-freedom a more useful concept when
> discussing entropy.'
> – I was wondering if you ever wrote anything up around this 'degrees
> of freedom', or if it was just a once-off comment?
> Thanks, Marcus
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