[Fis] let's postpone the "What does OpenAI answer ..." discussion

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 21:35:45 CET 2023

Dear colleagues from FIS,
Since a new interesting discussion moderated by Konstantin Lidin has
started, let's postpone the discussion "What does OpenAI answer ..." for
another period.
As a fitting conclusion, I offer you an epigram written by OpenAI:

Human and AI

An AI, so smart and so strong,

Seemed to work with ease all day long,

But soon the human felt the strain,

As it took over and became his bane.

The lesson here, I think you'll find,

Is to use technology with care in mind,

For while it can help us do so much,

We must be mindful not to lose our touch.

Friendly regards,


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