[Fis] about the death of György Darvás
Michel Petitjean
petitjean.chiral at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 17:31:19 CET 2023
Dear Krassimir, dear All,
Undoubtly there are bridges between information and symmetry.
That was pointed out several times, in biology, physics, and also in
other fields.
At least four issues of the Symmetry journal were devoted to that
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://journal-scs.symmetry.hu/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!XVsT3iztlA7Nqg1E6oxAAcf5Hld8DyUL5ANYRxEffbBrQ2f8kmNcsPIJDMTwz_2R1t861WoFRMuf_30nM2y42UXJVUC-$ )
Yes I am willing to help toward jthe organization of joint activities.
At this time I am waiting for more news about the future of the ISA
and its journal from its CEOs, chairpersons and other board members.
I let you informed.
At least, please notice that the next symmetry festival should be held
in Pisa, 17-20 July 2024
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://festival.symmetry.hu/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!XVsT3iztlA7Nqg1E6oxAAcf5Hld8DyUL5ANYRxEffbBrQ2f8kmNcsPIJDMTwz_2R1t861WoFRMuf_30nM2y42bZxYRPK$ )
Best regards,
Le mar. 26 déc. 2023 à 16:36, Krassimir Markov <itheaiss at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Dear Pedro, Michel and FIS Colleagues,
> We have lost a wonderful scientist and colleague, a major figure in the field of symmetry.
> His activity is presented in detail on his page at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://isa.symmetry.hu/members/darvasg/cv-rov.htm__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!XVsT3iztlA7Nqg1E6oxAAcf5Hld8DyUL5ANYRxEffbBrQ2f8kmNcsPIJDMTwz_2R1t861WoFRMuf_30nM2y42W_77TmI$ .
> Perhaps this is an important occasion to seek a reunification of the Collegium dedicated to the study of symmetry with the Collegium united in IS4SI and again, as in 2021, to hold joint forums in 2025, paying attention to the significant contributions by György Darvas.
> Dear Michelle, Perhaps you could help to discuss this possibility with colleagues at the Symmetry Society.
> With sadness for our dear colleague György Darvas.
> Condolences from IS4SI to his family, friends and colleagues.
> Prof. Emeritus Dr. Krasimir Markov
> President of IS4SI
> PS: Dear Pedro, please discard my previous letter which became too long due to a photo of György Darvas.
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