[Fis] A New Intellectual Avant-Garde
Pedro C. Marijuán
pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com
Thu May 12 13:27:27 CEST 2022
Dear All,
Many thanks to Joseph for his lucid comments. Most people in this list
think that the new syntheses needed should contain a fundamental
ingredient: clarifying the scientific & philosophical thought around
information. It is a critical element that has obscured, polarized, and
aggravated nasty problems of our times. Would we be capable to offer
clear advancements about that?
About the current session, thanks to Mariusz for his presentation &
responses. The point of view of the arts is an important angle for the
above tasks (it would be great that he remains and contributes in our list).
Thereafter, maybe it is time to go to the next session on Natural
Computation. However, for technical reasons of the supporting
publication, we should wait a few weeks.
In this context--Terry, would it be possible that you continue with your
session during these weeks? There are several messages addressed to you
that could be useful to connect with...
Best greetings to all,
El 09/05/2022 a las 12:34, joe.brenner at bluewin.ch escribió:
> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
> Here is a first response to Pedro’s pre-manifesto. As a chemist, I
> note first that for crystallization of something new to occur, you
> have to have the right reactants, but after the reaction is complete,
> the solution (in both senses) must cool down. Here, I would simply
> like to add to the reaction mix the concept of the value of “Eastern”
> forms of thought: openness, vagueness and change. No pontification or
> claims of eternal validity. If anything is certain about our
> discussions to date, most attempts at finding “clear” definitions and
> other analytic approaches have failed. What I would hope to see is an
> avant-garde that could produce new syntheses, combining Pedro’s
> position, my suggestion and others with an also necessary scientific
> rigor.
> Best,
> Joseph
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